frankie, come in. good to see you. you want something? i understand bobby beans came to see you today. and? he's trying to get a foot hold in our territory. business must be good if he can afford to buy up useless property. they're gonna be what? good word. nah, that's just tony's way of telling me judge judy starts in ten minutes. you ever watch it? you should. you can learn a lot about the criminal justice system on a program like that. very informative. stay and watch it with me. go. rest. oh frankie, what's this i hear about your brother? your own brother? you couldn't send someone else to do it? but you were there? what the fuck does that mean? why didn't you tell me about this? we're family. an insult to you is an insult to me. they knew who you were when they broke in your house? what is happening with the world? there was a time no civilian would touch a made man. now every babbo in the world thinks he can get away with something. what did they take? we're doing everything we can to find these people. right tony? if they're still stupid enough to be in this city, tony will find them. either you are incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid. which one is it? you rob an associate of mine. a friend and-- i don't think it will be a mystery much longer. i assume you want something? you want me to help you get out of the country? and for my help i would get what? and the other half? i only have your word for that. where are you staying? i only ask so i can call you when the arrangements are made. this plane will take you to canada. from there you can fly back to paris. you have something for me? and the other half of the tapes?