turn on the flashlight. it has to work. you just bought it this afternoon. you didn't buy batteries? i can't believe you didn't check. why should i have to put it on the list? it's like saying to buy a car with tires. let's go. be careful it's. hot! light your lighter. i can't see anything. and try not to burn down the house! i don't know. he looks dead. start the car! start the car! raymond, get us out of here! you know what makes a good get away driver? where's your brother? laurant, how long has he been in there? uh, yeah. besides, we don't know the city and-- c'mon, laurant, america? this is zero. in english. sami doesn't speak french. hopefully no one. i just want you there in case there's trouble. we'll see. what? you don't trust me? he said to go fuck yourself. he'll have a sprite. we'll all have sprite. good. zero and julien will go in through the window and disable the motion detector. the rest of us will come in through the front door. not a good idea. someone gets a license number and it all leads back to you. raymond, you'll steal one. tonight? park on the next street over. we'll meet you when we're done. so much for no one being home. good idea. marcel, we came here for jewels, remember? sami moves closer to zammito, studying his face. he moves over to the dresser where there are several photographs of zammito with various famous people. next to the photographs is a plaque that reads: to francis zammito. it's not? you don't carry the same weight in france as you do here. i think he's already figured that out. cops? if we do this we all have to agree. i would have to say. pretty fuckin' bad. you gave us the wrong address sophie. that moron. everyone get some sleep. we're leaving in the morning. you slept with her? you didn't think it was little suspicious that someone you only knew for a few hours wanted to sleep with you? you know, if you could get your nose out of bastaldi's ass for two seconds you might see what's going on around you. we can't. you steal some money from a man he gets over it in time. but these tapes. he's never going to stop looking for us. if you think because you're a women this can't go hard on you, think again. you see my friend over there? i nod to him and he's going to put a bullet in your knee. we know all this. so we rob zammito. you arrest us when we come out and the contents of the safe is now evidence which you can use against him. for what? what kind of business? we're leaving. raymond get the bag. bastaldi's dead. he is fuckin' dead! i'm going to kill him myself! forget the money! we've got bigger problems than the money right now. we're moving. pack up and be on the street in five minutes. i'll be right back. he gets out of the car and walks over to him. guns. can you get them? don't bullshit me. i've got a way with people. i'm from belgium. why haven't you turned us in? how much? fine. take this. i'll call you in a few hours. you tell me where we meet. did you know about bastaldi's deal with zammito? you're sure? i think he'd cut his dick off if bastaldi told him to. do i? you call being bastaldi's lap dog better? all you are is a professional ass-kisser. what is that a threat? are you fuckin' threatening me, marcel? has to be. it's me. -- did you set it up? we had a deal. fine. ten o'clock. sami, tomorrow you lift a wallet from someone who looks like one of us. we need to rent a car and for that you need a credit card. too risky. we don't need to get pulled over because of a stolen car. we'll think of something. we'll save you the trouble. what's wrong with this guy? we're here to buy, not steal. if you guys are straight there's not going to be a problem. how much for the nines? i'll need extra clips and ammo. there's ten grand in here. it's yours. i'm going to call you again. there's one more thing i need you to do. i'll tell you when it's time. julien? raymond's face fills with sadness. he shakes his. no? we had a chance to walk out of zammito's house. i just want to live long enough to get back to paris. just long enough to kill bastaldi. we still have to get out of here. okay. airports, train stations, bus station are out. we know they're connected to the car rental agencies because that's where they picked up raymond. get that, will you? because you're the closest. why is everything an argument with you? hello? raymond, grab the tapes. we're leaving! jesus! let's go! the crew moves through the door. the bullet went clean through. when we get back to paris i'll take you dancing. bring me the scissors. cut his pants up the leg to the groin. he's been shot a lot. he's used to it. what'd you get? cheese? in a can? thank god. ready? i'll be back in an hour. can i trust you, sami? if they had taken us by surprise they would have gotten the tapes back. that would have left us with nothing. you haven't answered my question. i'm leaving you with my friends. i'm trusting you to do the right thing today. you better. i would like to see mr. bonanno please. tell him i'm the guy who robbed frankie zammito. i guess we're going to find out. not such a good friend. may i reach in my pocket? i've got to tell you, mr. bonanno, this guy's an idiot. how he's lived this long is a mystery. he's recorded every conversation he's had with you for years. we've got a lot of people looking for us. we'd just like to go home. half the tapes. i'll destroy them when we get back to paris. i just want to get my people home. i know who you are and what you could do to me if i don't honor my word. how about if i call you? there's just one more thing i need you to do. mr. bonanno, i was wondering if you-- that would be fine. thank you. thank you. you have my word. i'll destroy them. it's daniel. -- i've got the tapes. if you ever want to see your brother out of jail do exactly what i say. bring one million euros to your boat at six o'clock. don't bullshit me, laurant! i know about the van gogh. well, you better get the money somehow. six o'clock and come alone. if you don't we'll destroy the tapes. go back on deck. there's a small rowboat in the water -- put the money in the rowboat and untie it. the current will carry it down river. when we see that the money is there i'll call back and tell you where the tapes are. go down into the main cabin. the tapes are in the wooden chest. this is for julien. i promised bonanno i'd destroy the tapes. you didn't check it?