julien and zero wait for them. we hear a toilet flush. the door to the bathroom opens and a man steps out. in an instant julien and zero jump him. the others enter and quickly join in to subdue the man.
the lights are on. the room is an interior designers nightmare. clashing colors, zebra skin bedspread. we move along daniel, sami, marcel, julien and zero as they stare at something. their pov -- tied to a chair, his mouth taped shut, is a very angry frankie zammito. he yells, his voice muffled by the tape, but it's not hard to understand what he's saying.
black screen. from inside the safe we see julien open the door. daniel and julien look inside. there are a several stacks of cash, envelopes and a small cardboard box. julien starts removing everything and puts it into the bag canvas bag.
marcel continues his conversation.
zammito is still tied to his chair. his pov -- of the cordless phone of his bed. he pushes with his feet, sliding the chair over to the bed, then starts rocking back and forth until he tips over forward, his face pressed against the mattress. using his nose he turns on the phone and presses a speed dial number.
joey enters to find zammito tied to the chair, face down on the bed.