don't you brother me, motherfucker. what's in the bags? dirty underwear. that's a good one. let me explain something to you. this is my street and you're gonna give me want i what or i'm gonna bust your heads open. get outta my face! now, are you going to give me the suitcases? or are we going to have to take them? what did he say? who is zero? he speaks about himself in the third person? maybe zero would like to get off his ass and take my knife from me? what do you want now? man, i can get anything. i ain't bullshittin'. i can get guns. i can get any kind of gun you want. but they ain't gonna help your sorry ass. you ain't been in town one day and already you got two of the toughest people in chicago looking for you. how is that possible? i can see that. the man's car you stole. raphael ruiz. he's head of the 19th street gang and one crazy motherfucker. and frankie zammito's got the word out he's looking for some french dudes. you're french ain't ya? yeah, i'd be from belgium too if i was you. you know zammito just put his own brother in the hospital? broke his arm cause he was late on a debt. i mention this to illustrate the kind of people who are lookin' for you. i ain't no rat. you got money, right? and, uh, i'm going to have to charge you a commission. kind of like a brokerage fee. a thousand dollars? dumb crackers -- yeah? hey you guys are becoming famous. i was just watching the news and-- yeah. all set. tomorrow morning. ten o'clock. room 211. barclay hotel on river street. oh, and due to your recent notoriety and the heat that comes with it, i'm going to have to increase my brokerage fee to twenty five hundred. we had a deal before you and your friends became the new poster boys for crime. what the hell you doing, ellwood? i gave them my word. he is. what? i'll take the bag. okay, we're square now, right? i'm listening. don't come off like a hard-on with me. i'm about to make you a very happy man.