gimme the money! open the safe! my car! hey, idiot -- i've got stolen wheels and a stolen radio in the car. -- don't think. okay? you're not good at it. go do something -- get some beers for the guys. when i find out who did this i'm going to mount their head on my dashboard! someone stole my car tonight! you run a chop shop for low riders. yes, i think you'd steal my car. and i should just believe-- hector, don't interrupt me. i don't give a shit about your cousin's car. we're here about my car. so, shut your mouth! you think you can do that? you think you can keep your big mouth shut? if i find out you're lying. if i find out you know anything about this i'm going to come back and cut off your nose. vamos. tell me the truth hector. do you think we'll find my car? i thought he was in prison. when i find them they won't have them for much longer. thanks. i can't eat. you lost? anybody know about that car outside? no. it's mine. i'm telling you that's my car! and someone's gonna pay for it! fuck you, grease-ball!