oh, marcel! i thought you were somebody else. if i knew it was you i would have never run. you're probably here for the money i owe you. i don't have it. marcel opens the door to the bathroom and pushes sami inside. you know this is how rumors get started. told you. yeah, i can see that. me? i've still got a few legal problems back in the states. but i'd be. i'd be happy to go. i'm sami. marcel sent me. you know, a little of this, a little of that. i've boosted cars, stole radios, run a few scams. right now i'm into pick-pocketing. hey, i was told to come here by marcel. you guys don't want me, i'll be more than happy to leave. hi. i'm one and this is two, three, four and five. algeria. well, you know, not all algerians speak french. it's a matter of what school you went too. me i never really -- he speaks about himself in the third person? let me handle this. hey, brother. what's happening, man? you put a loaded gun in your bag and brought it through customs? how stupid is that? ouh la la. thanks. they don't serve wine here. this kind. after the outside alarm is off we go in through the bedroom window. when do we go? you ever hear of jet lag? i can't even hear myself think. no, i like the bag. it would be good for the job tonight. just lucky i guess. how'd you start working for the bastaldi's? so you arranged to have the people you worked for robbed? something like that. something like that. you ask a lot of questions. i don't remember. i was drunk. no. i got it in prison. i went in for three years. when i came out she was married to my best friend. happy? it's okay. it was a long time ago. who's gonna see it there? i'm glad you didn't get something flashy. oh, you think? we've got to be careful not to use our real names while we're in here. i'll be elvis and you-- it's my idea. okay. you can be elvis. and the rest of us are. john, paul, george and ringo. we have a problem. problem isn't the right word. dilemma. no that really doesn't describe -- do you know who that is? no, that's not mr. taylor. that's frankie zammito. the under boss of the chicago mafia. yeah. right. you're not a vendetta kind of guy. c'mon, get real, will you. you think he's just going to forget about this? these guys are all about respect. all about honor. he's coming after us, so we might as well take the money. how'd it go? i don't know. daniel, how would you say it went? no. it's not your fault. i thought i'd listen to some of the tapes. see what's so important that a mob guy has to lock it away in his safe. it's three in the morning. not much else to do. where is she? bag? sami runs to the table. the black canvas bag is gone. close on daniel: asleep. sami shakes him. he opens his eyes. get up. we've been ripped off! not everything. i was going to listen to it last night but i -- -- feel asleep. well, actually i would say she slept with me. what's the big deal? it's not like i was on guard duty or something. no. chicks dig me. holy shit. no wonder zammito didn't want us to walk out with this stuff. he's planning on killing bonanno and taking over the family. yeah, but you did do it. so let's deal with that. they'll be waiting for us at the airport. we have to find sophie. wait here. hi. did a woman just check in? she's about five six. pretty. dark hair. c'mon man, i think she's having an affair. i really thought we had something special going. i can't tell you what a disappointment you've turned out to be. where is it, sophie? who are you waiting for? we've been set up. we didn't go to the wrong house. we went to right one, didn't we sophie? they send us to zammito's house. the fbi is right across the street watching the whole thing, but they don't move. a crime is going down and they don't move. why? because they were waiting for us to come out so they could arrest us. you wanna tell him? he's got a point. what are you getting out of this? why? so bastaldi makes a deal with the feds to trade up for his brother? it has to be at sophie's. she didn't have time to go anywhere else before she came here. -- we don't have time to look for it. hadley's first move is going to be to look for us there. "vase with twelve sunflowers." it makes sense. i mean, do you really think he would come along if he knew we were being set up? you guys used to work together? all right, knock it off. i said knock it off! now as far as i'm concerned you two girls can bitch slap yourselves silly when this is over, but right now we've got to figure out what's going on. what? hadley -- hey, it's not your picture on the tv, it's mine. so, try to be cool. we've got to get out of here. you're not helping. it doesn't matter where we go. between zammito and the fbi they'll find us. we have to end this here. i don't know. do you know who this is? if you ever want to get those tapes, meet me in one hour at grant park near the statue. you set me up, you piece of shit! what are you doing? wired? i ain't wired. you killed her! bullshit! she was alive when we left her with you. look, i just want out of this nightmare. i don't know these guys. a few days ago i'm in paris picking pockets and now i'm america's most wanted. i can get them -- but what do i get if i do? a pass? how you gonna give me a pass? a witness can put me at the crime scene. they don't have a murder weapon? you want the tapes for yourself. you're going to sell them. you didn't have to kill sophie. what about me? aren't i a loose end? and you're a dirty cop. at least i don't pretend to be something different than what i am. it's not your fault, daniel. i say we make him pay first. after that you can do whatever you want to him. he's right. the tapes give us leverage with bastaldi. even if we get out of town and go to another airport i'm sure the fbi and chicago p.d. has alerted customs. i'm going to get some cigarettes. go away. room 912. get out of the room! you've got company coming up. i'll meet you at the chevy. what's he joking around for? he's been shot. anybody hungry? some bread and. cheese. it's good. hey, you know you can't this in france. i'm more of a whiskey drinker myself. glenmorangie. but i'll have a glass of beaujolais with you when we get back. what? hey, who warned you that they were coming up to the room? no, that would have left me with nothing because all of you would be dead. does it really matter what i say? i will. same place. one hour. what the fuck was all that about at the hotel last night? i thought we had a deal? the lamp? see, i told you that you could trust me. since we're such good pals i thought i'd sneak you an advanced copy of my latest work. i call it, "i am a scum-sucking fbi agent". you want the tapes for yourself. you're going to sell them. you didn't have to kill sophie. it's a little arty i know, but it has great content, don't you think? you were so busy looking for a wire you probably didn't even think about a video camera. it was on the statue. anyway, i've sent a copy of the whole tape to the chicago p.d. and the fbi. they'll get it tomorrow. if i were you i'd take the day off. did you have to use that much explosive? this is great. after everything we've been through we've got eight hundred euros and an autographed baseball. no! you can't have the baseball! you're not entitled to the fuckin' baseball! no. no! perfect.