i wasn't expecting this many of you. i've got a few sleeping bags you can use. this is wayne. my roommate. you guys hungry? they don't have a wine list. there's an exterior alarm system. there's also another one in the hall that leads to the bedroom with a motion detector. the control panel is in the bedroom. you can use my car. tonight. i know they won't be home tonight. take a nap. i've asked them a hundred times to keep in down. they don't listen. not a good idea. you like shoes? it belongs to vincent bastaldi. he left it last time he was here. i'm sure he wouldn't mind if you used it. so, how did you get hooked up with these guys? the art world doesn't fully appreciate my talent yet. i needed some way to pay the rent. laurant and vincent pay well for information. they're not nice people. i like your tattoo. casandra. old girlfriend? did she break your heart? it looks old. did you get it a long time ago? that's how you get to know someone. did it hurt when you got it? you got it in a bar? sorry. i didn't mean to pry. i've been thinking about getting tattoo. you know, a flower or something. on my ass. the lucky ones. for luck. wayne, who is it? i wasn't expecting you guys back so fast. how'd it go? no, i didn't. yes. no. 145 ridgeroad way. can't sleep? i'm sorry things went so wrong today. what are you doing? sounds boring. i can think of something. they kiss. after last night i could say the same for you. i don't know. stick around and find out. money. it was supposed to simple. in and out. hi. i'm meeting frankie zammito -- vincent bastaldi is in jail. laurant and vincent were in business with zammito. black market art. zammito got to a few key security guards at the metropolitan museum. the bastaldi's supplied the artists to make copies of famous works. they'd switch the paintings, send the originals to paris and the bastaldi's would sell them to private collectors. zero. that's all i know. listen, we know their names. they don't know the city. you'll find them. you're the fbi. they're supposed to be evidence. that's why bastaldi set this up. i thought you wanted zammito? then we just have to make sure everyone who knows can't say anything.