you bleed on me, i'll kill ya. what'd i tell you? huh, vinny? what'd i tell you when you came to me for money? didn't i ask you not to do it? did i not say that? what'd i say to him? that's right. i said don't do it. did you listen to me? no. you wanted the money. so, i lent you twenty large. now it's been three weeks and you ain't paid a dime. what do you think that makes me look like on the street? i don't do something to you and everyone will think they can skate. -- shut up! don't you try to make me feel bad about this. you knew what would happen to you if you didn't pay. this is on your head, not mine. break his arm. that's why we're only breaking one arm. hey, bobby beans. how you doin'? good. i'm good. when you return please extend my regards to mr. maranzano and his family. can i offer you something. a drink? coffee? you sure? i just got a shipment of espresso from sicily. special blend. can't find anything like it in the states. okay. i understand you're interested in one of our properties? -- super what? then why not just fuckin' say better than expected? everybody knows what better than expected means. okay. how much? why are you here? you told me that on the phone. what the hell are you doing here? showing off your communication skills? go back to your people and tell them when they're serious to put a number on the table. yeah -- you do that. jerk-wad! how's my brother? i said a clean break. send some flowers. something nice. roses or carnations. and one of those get well soon cards. oh and uh, send a case of steaks over to his house. i don't want the kids to go hungry while he's recuperating. yeah? now? i've got a date with a drop dead major babe. okay. i'm coming. mario, i gotta go. when my date arrives tell her i had an emergency. no, i'm good, angelo. yeah. seems maranzano wants to talk about buying the merchant street warehouse. and nothing. he's just feeling us out. he sticks his toes in the water again, we'll cut 'em off. i heard this quarter his profits are gonna be supernumerary. supernumerary. it means better than expected. someone else coming? uh, no -- you know, i'm kind of tired. i'm just gonna go home if it's all the same to you. he missed three weeks. i did. joey "two tons" and nicky "the rake" did the deed. angelo, we live and die by the rules we make. we are men of honor, but honor without respect is a. horse-less carriage. feel free. walk out of here with nothing and i'll forget this ever happened. i'll find you. no matter where you go i'll find you. fbi. they've been there for months. think i don't know. morons. you're all dead. they were all french guys. yeah, french guys from france. everything. everything. well, you know, when five guys break into my house in the middle of the night, stick guns in my face, tie me up and steal from me. it does irritate me. you know why i'm handling it very well? because you're going to get these guys for me. if i knew where they were you wouldn't have to find them, would you? just find them! papa joey? mario, i gotta go. when my date arrives will you explain to her i had an emergency. oh, shit! you have enough to worry about, angelo. you don't need my problems. yes. some cash. jewelry. the other stuff i can replace, but there's a cardboard box. photos of my mother. they're the only ones i have of her. get in the car. you are! now get in the fuckin' car! angie, how you doin'? hey, you're looking good. there's something different about you. you get a boob job or something? yeah, well, it suits you. hey tommy. whatever. angie, take the kids down to the gift shop and buy 'em something. i need a word with vinny. she seems pleasant enough. that's good. that's what a stand-up guy does. so, i just come by to see how you're doin'? yeah. i mean besides that. they treating you all right? food okay? i don't want anything. yeah. i mean, you are my brother and. well i should have found another way of expressing my disappointment. so, i've decided to make it up to you. what are you nuts? a debt is a debt. i was thinking i'd throw a little extra work your way. you know, you come down to the club, make espresso for the boys. wash their cars. run some errands. things like that. yeah? i'm on my way. i got something i gotta do. i'm glad we had this talk. heal. get better. let me know when you're ready to start. i don't know the little one, but the other guy is definitely one of them. follow them and call me when you find out where they go. what happened? i see. well, get back out on the street and find them before i "sort of" kill you. oh, i'm sorry. had enough? try to get this through that fat, stupid fuckin' head of yours. if half tooth tony finds these guys before we do and bonanno knows what was in my safe we are all dead. cafones! you gonna bring that over here today, or what? yeah? how much? are you nuts? okay. okay. there's an old warehouse on merchant street. those the tapes? watch the paint. how'd you get these? just a second. can you believe that guy? what a moron. great fuckin' song. what's this? oh really? thanks. i thought it was a sewing machine. what the hell is it doing here? for me? what am i going to do with a piece of shit like this? okay. okay. hey, if you're well enough to be walking around you're well enough to start working here. yeah. it's mine. the hell it is. and i'm tellin' you it ain't! now, turn your taco-eating ass around and get the hell out of here. fuck me? fuck you!