so, we are going to america? where are you from? and you don't speak french? -- zero isn't interested in your life story. who gets killed? no one? then why is zero here? and if there is, then zero can kill someone? va te faire foutre! we are tired and bored with your bullshit. so, put that stupid little knife away before zero shoves it up your ass. if you insist. leave now before zero shoots off those little raisins you call balls. zero did not put it in his bag. he put it in yours. idiot. no smoking? no drinking? what kind of country is this? how are we supposed to sleep with this noise? we're in. we are being watched. daniel grabs the binoculars and looks. oh, you think it's that easy? thank you. he's fbi. what does arresting us get them? you want zero to kill him? what about the money? we don't know that for sure. hey sami, you're on tv. and how do we do that? no. zero is. no. they killed our friend. it's personal now. besides, if we do that, then julien died for nothing. the tapes are the key. and the vodka. and be careful when you get near the top. zero has a very long one. zero can't stay like this much longer. his leg is hurting. if you say baseball one more time zero will shoot you.