i'm your guest today. i am governor yu's daughter. i was looking for a quiet corner. it's heavy for such a thin piece of metal! but i have had much practice. as a child in the west, a platoon lived with us. they'd let me play with their weapons. the scabbard is so beautiful. exquisite! you said it belongs to. li mu bai! the famous warrior? why would he give his sword to sir te? you're a sword fighter too? really? it must be exciting to be a fighter, to be totally free! i've read all about people like you. roaming wild, beating up anyone who gets in your way! but you're just like the characters in the stories. you know what i mean. i'm getting married soon, but i haven't lived the life i want. you're not married, are you? no! you couldn't roam around freely if you were. please sit. put them down. do you know her? i'll socialize with whomever i please. i'm tired now. it will be just the same. enough! i'm tired. show her in. i have a guest. i've missed you. i'm bored. i'll write your name. just for fun. maybe it is. i wouldn't know. please. i'm hardly doing a thing. the less i think of it the better. my parents are arranging everything. the gous are a very powerful family. my marrying one will be good for my father's career. am i? i wish i were like the heroes in the books i read. like you and li mu bai. i guess i'm happy to be marrying. but to be free to live my own life, to choose whom i love. that is true happiness. about you and li mu bai? no, really? too bad for meng, but it's not your fault, or li mu bai's. don't distance us. from now on, let's be like sisters. you say she killed a policeman? greetings, sir te. why are you still here? you killed a policeman. you should leave! you'll bring ruin on my whole family. i'll never live as a thief! that was just for fun. how can i leave? where would i go? shut up! i owe you nothing. you think you've been teaching me all these years from the manual? you couldn't even decipher the symbols! you wouldn't have understood, even if i had tried to explain. you know. you've gone as far as you can go. i hid my skills so as not to hurt you. master. i started learning from you in secret when i was 10. you enchanted me with the world of giang hu. but once i realized i could surpass you, i became so frightened! everything fell apart. i had no one to guide me, no one to learn from. lo? you shouldn't have come. you've been looking for me all this time? i won't break it. give it back! my comb! you coward! it's mine. it means a lot to me. a barbarian like you wouldn't understand. by the way, i'm a real manchurian. give me back my comb. give it back. and so, the little boy became a fearsome bandit. he couldn't find the stars, so he stole my comb. so you're still that little boy looking for shooting stars. let them look. don't send me back! keep it safe. return it to me when we are together again. if you don't, i'll come after you. and i won't let you off so easy. go. don't ever come back. yes. it was just a cat. the cup is dirty. long. anywhere there's action. don't bother. so what if i don't? he is my defeated foe! i want a clean room. steamed whole cod, bite-size meatballs, a little starchy, but keep the sauce light, shark fin soup, mixed vegetables, and some warm wine. hurry then. what kind of iron arm are you? southern duck? i don't eat anything with two feet. who could remember such long-winded names? who are you? gou? i hate that name. it makes me puke! too bad you're named gou. you'll be the first to feel my sword today. a monk, in a place like this? you need a lesson! who am i? i am. i am the invincible sword goddess. armed with the incredible. green destiny. be you li or southern crane. lower your head. and ask for mercy. i am the desert dragon. i leave no trace. today i fly over eu-mei. tomorrow. i'll kick over wudan mountain! sister shu lien. i'm just borrowing some clean clothes. i'm not staying. i was just passing by and wondered how you were. you, sister. they forced me to marry! you know about lo? where is he now? you're working together to set me up! i'm leaving! what do i care? you were never a real friend anyway. but i wonder, how long could you last as my enemy? come and get it if you can. don't be a sore loser. go ahead. take your pick. i'll wait. go ahead. take it! not another lecture! on guard! only the sword will settle this. what do you know about a true heart? what do you want? all right. if you can take back the sword in three moves, i'll go with you. give it back! never! is it me or the sword you want? she used purple yin. purple yin poison. it goes straight to the heart. the antidote exists. she taught it to me. the formula is simple, but it takes time to prepare. trust me. as you have helped me, let me help you. spare your energy. i'll be back! where is mrs. wu? shu lien told me to show you this. he's gone? do you remember the legend of the young man? make a wish, lo.