how's everything? it has. how's business? fine. yes. i left the training early. during my meditation training. i came to a place of deep silence. i was surrounded by light. time and space disappeared. i had come to a place my master had never told me about. no. i didn't feel the bliss of enlightenment. instead. i was surrounded by an endless sorrow. i couldn't bear it. i broke off my meditation. i couldn't go on. there was something. pulling me back. something i can't let go of. you are leaving soon? perhaps i could ask you to deliver something to sir te for me. i am. he has always been our greatest protector. too many men have died at its edge. it only looks pure because blood washes so easily from its blade. it's time for me to leave it behind. first i must visit my master's grave. it's been many years since jade fox murdered him. i have yet to avenge his death. and yet i'm thinking of quitting. i must pray for his forgiveness. perhaps. sir te believes it's a ploy cast suspicion on governor yu. what have you discovered? jade fox? impossible. i didn't think she'd dare come back to peking! so i shall avenge my master's death after all. did you see who posted it? it says jade fox is hiding at yu's. on the night of the theft there was a brawl near yu's. were you involved? have you questioned him yet? but your men are watching over yu's compund? that's not what i meant. i don't care about the sword. i don't know it was stolen until i got here. well, we had talked. thank you. please lead the way. wudan should have gotten rid of you long ago. it's been a long time, jade fox! you don't remember me. but you should remember my master. you infiltrated wudan while i was away. you stole our master! now it's time for you to pay! you stole the secrets of wudan's highest martial arts. but after ten years of training, your moves are still undisciplined. and today, under a wudan sword. you will die! who are you? why is the green destiny in your possession? my name is li mu bai. the green destiny is mine. jade fox can't be your master. where did you learn that "xuan piu" move? tell me, who is your master? i'll get into the yu household and get her. i'll ferret out fox and her gang. delighted to meet you. congratulations. isn't it a bit too late to be out? you've brought me the sword? where's your master? had enough flying? you've got potential. you've studied the wudan manual but you don't understand it. you need a real master. like most things, i am nothing. it's the same for this sword. all of it is simply a state of mind. then tell me where jade fox is. real sharpness comes without effort. no growth without assistant. no action without reaction. no desire without restraint. now give yourself up and find yourself again. there is a lesson for you. why should i? you need practice. i can teach you to fight with the green destiny, but first you must learn to hold it in stillness. i've always wanted a disciple worthy of wudan's secrets. that's a risk i'm willing to take. deep down, you're good. even jade fox couldn't corrupt you. i admit, getting it back makes me realize how much i'd missed it. true. but i must borrow it for one last mission. jade fox must die at its edge. did you know what you were hiding when you covered for that girl? you did your job well. but, this girl. i saw her last night. she needs direction. and training. that's not for her. she should come to wudan and become a disciple. for her, they might make an exception. if not, i'm afraid she'll become a poisoned dragon. i thought by giving away the sword, i could escape the giang hu world. but the cycle of bloodshed continues. just be patient with me, shu lien. she's out there, but i doubt she'll show herself. we'll keep our eyes open. sooner or later, she'll come for the girl. where is jade fox? either way, you are no good to her dead. with the gou and yu clans hunting you, you'll soon be in their hands. if you truly loved her, you wouldn't say that. all right. i'll write you an introduction. take it to wudan. wait there for news from me. sir te, leave this to us. don't worry. shu lien. the things we touch have no permanence. my master would say. there is nothing we can hold on to in this world. only by letting go can we truly possess what is real. your hand, rough and callused from machete practice. all this time, i've never had the courage to touch it. giang hu is a world of tigers and dragons, full of corruption. i tried sincerely to give it up but i have brought us only trouble. you're right, but i don't know what to do. i want to be with you. just like this. it gives me a sense of peace. we're close to your headquarters. go home and check in. i'll look around and catch up later. stop it! you don't deserve the green destiny. let's end this here. i only let you go because i wanted to see the real you. what i've always wanted, to teach you. kneel! then you have no use for the sword. you've been drugged! where is jade fox? jade fox drugged her. how did you get here? and so you die. my blood will soon reverse its flow. it's the same poison she used to kill my master. there is no antidote. all right. hurry. i will hold on as long as i can. shu lien. my life is departing. i've only one breath left. i've already wasted my whole life. i want to tell you with my last breath. i have always loved you. i would rather be a ghost, drifting by your side. as a condemned soul. than enter heaven without you. because of your love. i will never be a lonely spirit.