jen! with all the traffic on your rooftop these days. it took me a while to get in here. i can't wait any longer. i was wrong to let you go. come back with me. you'll be happy in the desert. you'll be free there. let's go! come get your comb. hurry back to your mother. she's mine. let's stop a moment. you're tired. you need rest. your horse needs water. there's a creek up here. well, there used to be! what's your name? i'm lo. the hans call me dark cloud. i'm not that tall or big, but i'm quick as lightning. if you like that arrow, i can make you a bow. great for hunting wild chicken. they're delicious. you need to eat, understand? then you'll have the strength to fight. understand? you're eating too fast. slowly. you've got quite a temper. it's better this way. still in a bad mood? at least you're speaking. what's your name? i didn't think the hans had names like that. relax. if i had wanted to, i would already have done it. you must be dying for a bath. fresh water's hard to get here. but i managed to bring some up. you can wear my clothes when you're done. they're clean. don't worry. i'll sing, so you'll know where i am. after the bath, you'll be calmer. no more hitting on the head! all this trouble for a comb? not true. i can use it to pick fleas from my horse. i'm sorry. i guessed wrong. i though you were a han. i don't take orders from anyone. when i was a boy, one night, i saw a thousand shooting stars. i thought, where did they all go? i'm an orphan. i used to look for stars alone. i thought if i rode to the other end of the desert, i'd find them. i've been riding in the desert ever since. out here, you always fight for survival. you have to be part of a gang to stand a chance. slowly, your gang becomes your family. all that dark cloud stuff is just to scare people and make my life easier. i am a man. and now i've found the brightest star of all. your father's men are looking for you. your father's men are still looking for you. they're still out there, circling closer. it is trouble for me. you must decide. you might get tired of this life. you might begin to miss your family. if it were our daughter, we'd look for her too. she would miss us. jen. i want you to be mine forever. i will make my mark on the world. i will earn your parents' respect. we have a legend. anyone who dares to jump from the mountain, god will grant his wish. long ago, a young man's parents were ill, so he jumped. he didn't die. he wasn't even hurt. he floated away, far away, never to return. he knew his wish had come true. if you believe, it will happen. the elders say, "a faithful heart makes wishes come true." i will. wherever i went, someone always recognized me. i really tried. later, i heard you came to peking. i was afraid i'd never see you again. so i came. i can't let you marry. jen. so it's over? jen! come with me! you're mine! come with me to the desert! jen! come with me to xin jiang! she's mine. i don't care anymore. all right. "a faithful heart makes wishes come true." To be back in the desert, together again.