take a pew, jack. you look well. what's it been, two years since we broke bread? what a memory you've got. maths always was your strong suit. what happened to the moaning lisa? did she? you were pretty thick at one time. hi-ya. i'll call you back. now then. all right. as what? we do. for unsolicited manuscripts. we pay twenty pounds a manuscript. you might get two, maybe three in a week. can you live on sixty pounds? sorry. this is a no-smoking office, jack. you've written a book, haven't you? i didn't read it myself, but -- give me ten minutes, fiona. fiona used to read for me. let me tell you about our operation. we like personality authors. people the public recognises. celebrity's what sells books. we can always find someone to do the writing. first, we need the face. then the concept. right now i'm looking for a soccer novel. something where a tycoon buys a lousy team and takes it to the top. seven figure transfer fees. corruption all down the line. violence on and off the pitch. steroids. got any concepts? it could be a thug story. i tell you what. why don't you think about it. a couple of pages. the pitch. steroids. got any concepts? it could be a thug story. i tell you what. why don't you think about it. a couple of pages. with plenty of sex, of course. let me give you three words of advice, jack. don't give up. stick with it. who persists wins. that's my motto. write, write, write. jack! i thought it was you. it's the hair! right. look, i must get back to habib. my author. he's a terrorist. he's written a kill-and-tell book. take care. jack, look, next weekend i'm having a house party. here. it's near oxford. why don't you come? it'll just be social. no business. bring a friend. i've plenty of room. looking forward! she's a dab hand with a racquet, your friend. i can see. how did she get that shiner? who was he? don't be a spoilsport. it's only a few quid. i'll bet she could, too. there's nothing pretty about this hand. hey. i've got an idea. why don't we. one card. how's about that for impossible. i get it. good god, no. but with skill like that, what do you want a job for? you don't need to work. good night? and your lady? a bit unexpected, wasn't it? how's that football story corning along?