the computer is still covered. jack is standing at the table dealing cards, practising. one card slips. he swears silently. he flexes his fingers, cracks his knuckle joints. he looks at a skirt, legs, high heels, passing above the barred window. jack is at his desk typing intently. there is a pile of new pages in the sunlight. working at his computer, jack lights one cigarette from another. he pauses from his typing. on the desk beside him is the note with jani's phone number. he picks up the phone, starts to dial, then stops, replaces the receiver. he looks distracted, lost. on the table marion's flowers are dead in the vase. jack is at work alone. the phone rings. he leaves it and continues i working. then he hears jani's voice. jack is at work. marion's hands are massaging his shoulders. the little book charm dangles round his neck.