watching this. wipes mud from his eyes, tries to clear vision. the crow lights in the tree and they meet eye-to-eye. eric looks back o.s. and we rack to include the skull cowboy. looking up at the crow. disoriented. doesn't understand. suddenly he cottons, and covers his eyes just in time to shield from: vising the rail. speaks to the night. almost a mantra. slowly pulling his arm out of the wall. rising from the floor. careful. stealthy. watches his fireplace. looking down and daubing his hand in the bullet wound on his chest. heaving the gun into the distant water. plosh. he produces t- bird's accelerator. squirts it into the ground. he prestidigitates and t-bird's zippo appears in his hand. he flicks it and drops it into the flammable puddle. bullets hit him and demolish everything behind him. skank hits the deck again. eric fires and lao guard #1 sucks three hits across the chest, firing convulsively against the ceiling, blowing the lights. he pauses. a kid in a creature from the black lagoon mask comes, passes eric, then comes back for a touch.