guess the picnic got rained out. oh, scary. what are you, like, the night watchman? talent. hi. you buying? no onions though, okay? they make you fart. i went to see a friend of mine. she's still dead. very funny. ha. ha. oh my, sides. mom --? i lost my key. what are you supposed to be? a clown? you look like a rock star without a job. if you're not some kinda child molester. my mom works over there. i'm waiting for her, but she's probably with him, right now. mister funboy. he has a room, upstairs. i don't like him very much. can you play that thing or do you just carry it around everywhere? can you play "teddy bears' picnic?" it used to be her favorite. no name. you sure ask a lot of questions. hel-lo? earth to anybody? do you feel okay. you gotta go now, i bet. don't say "shit". that's okay. corn flakes are okay. anything. mom tried to cook. a lot of people "know" my mom. i don't know you. you're not a cop, either. what do you want him for? right. you buying? he kinda wanders around. you'll see him if you pay attention. what's going on? i knew. i knew i knew you. even with the makeup and stuff you wore. you really loved her, didn't you? she's dead. she's gone. and now you're just gonna go away and never come back, too. i hate this place; it isn't fair. you look funny without your white face on. like it's your day off or something. i remember him! here, gabriel. here kitty. gabriel. is he still yours? nobody ever gave me something like that before. ever. and she'll be alive. up here. you're gonna like it here. he was a present. besides, we're moving anyway. you said. mom -- ! gabriel! you go to hell, you pervert! don't let me fall! now do you get to see her? shelly, i mean. you're not gonna come back, are you? you mean you'll, like' dig your way out of the grave? euww. it can't rain all the time.