ahhh, jesus, the creatures of the night, here they come. tweedledum and tweedledummer. blow yourself, bigmouth. whatcha got? 18k. crap. nineteen bucks at sears. fake, what's this -- a little, ah, bloodstain, right? fifty bucks for the box, and i'm doin' you a -- piss off, we're closed. fucking creatures of the night; they never goddamn learn. hey!! oh, bullshit! you're trespassing asshole, you're breakin' and enterin' and you just bought me a fucking door! you're looking for a coroner,shit- for-brains! i ain't got no fuckin' ring. all's i got is in a box! behind the counter! no fucking way. he'll kill me. top dollar. you want those assholes, you want top dollar. like the car. he hangs out with skank. that little ass-hair, and they hang at the pit -- hell, funboy lives there. ask top dollar. you walk outta here top dollar will erase your ass! top dollar owns the fucking street here and you can't dick with me, you son of a bitch!