uncle t-bird's 100-proof accelerator. i squirt you with this, you could jump in the detroit river and burn all the way to the bottom. you know, lake erie actually caught on fire once, from all the crap in it. wish i coulda seen that. we're ready to rock. what about her? no. let's take her with us. whoa, hey, whoa. business. coupla more rings. 24k. necklace. pearls. leather purse. yeah, i know, fatso. do us all a favor. make top dollar smile. no. i'm not the lunatic. he is. i love you too, you madman. business. and gideon's just burned all the down to the foundation. i didn't have nothin to do with that. top, what the fuck is going on tonight? i wish to hell i knew who it was that made tin-tin into a voodoo doll last night. we need some smokes and some road beers. what the fuck are you supposed to be, man?! you call it, blood -- you got the gun. you just tell me where you want to go. man, you gonna get us killed dead and i don't even know what you want! to hell with you. so what -- you gonna rape me now?