wild fucking night. i hear our pal tin-tin got himself very dead. bet that pisses you off, right? stay normal, t. cops'll be all hotwired and aggressive. no combat moves until i check this out. i thought halloween was tomorrow night. get outta my way, you mooks. bad news. alot of action on the streets tonight, and nobody bothered to clear it with me. tin- tin got himself whacked. one of mine. and it wasn't a standard hit. i was wondering if you could tell me anything. about a wildcat operative. anybody violates my turf -- our turf -- i'll rip out there heart and show it to 'em. "our" crow? the night is young. hey, you little fuckweed! that's against the law! i don't give a shit what kinda bird this guy is. nice speech. what's it supposed to mean? whatever you say, i can do. too many poppers, skank. relax. heel. you want my attention, man you got it. five large, in the drawer right over there. i never saw you. take the dope, too. that's ancient history. who gives a fuck! i'm a businessman. you gonna do me, then do me and shut you're face! i never forget anything, dickhead. that building was a sweep-and- clear; the bitch was a nuisance with her goddamned petition. it got a little rowdy. end of story.