leans up against his motorcycle a few yards away - big, burly, shaved head, a ciggie hanging from his lips. he's got a custom paint-job on his pearl drop gas tank - a buxom blonde doing the "wild thing" with the grim reaper. curve's also the one who just dusted himself nothing personal, sport. guess you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. dump 'em. let's get this cluster-fuck on the road. motions to kali and spider monkey. together, the three of them heave ashe and danny into the ocean. bon voyage, shitheads. appears outside. he pounds harder on the door. open the fucking door! you think what you did to me is funny? some kind of joke? i'm talking about the fucking tattoo you gave me! i took off the bandages. look!!! then what-the-fuck is it doing there?! what's it going to be, hero? ready to kiss your faggot-ass good-bye? i think so. i think you're shitting yourself you're so goddamn ready. agh!!! shit!!! shoulda killed me while you had the chance, sugarplum. be seeing you. spider monkey, what's this tattoo look like to you? come on, man, just tell me what you see. ah, fuck you, then. see no evil. enters from out of the shadows. judah looks up to him. bad news. someone torched the lab on manchester. spider monkey's a fucking crispy critter. a total loss. it was him. it was that son of a bitch we dumped off the pier. i know it. i shot him in the head! no such thing as ghosts. all i know is, he's fucking with us. the crow's his symbol, right? that means i'm marked. it means he's coming for me now! look, you want to tell yourselves some bullshit fairytales, that's your business. but i'm not gonna sit here with a fucking target on my chest. i'm going to take this motherfucker out! some bitch down at the gargoyle, but what's that got to do with. a house in the country, a dog, a wife and two kids. no. no. goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway. fuck you, bird-dick! you think i'm afraid of you, you fucking freak?! you think i'm afraid?!! lies on the garbage-strewn tunnel floor in a spreading pool of blood - burnt, battered, a barb of steel sticking up from his chest. still, curve has one glorious, giddy moment where he thinks he's actually succeeded in defeeating ashe, then. 36: me too. nice place you've got here. oh, i bought you a little present. you ever dream that you're dying someone else's death? it's finally beginning, isn't it? what mask will death wear, can you tell me that? think about it a minute. don't you see two demons? ". midway through our life's journey i came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost" who are you? i saw you drowning. no. well there should be. seeems to me it's more a question of fate believing in you. no. i lost my mother the same way. the problem is, i know how it ends. blood. violence. i don't want a part of it anymore. then who killed spider monkey and nemo? it was cold up there. i remember we could see each other's breath. the blood of the crow. your fucking head stapled to my saddlebags. get bent, you dried-up bitch. some people are born victims. she cut her eyes out with a carving knife because she wanted to make the visions stop. i've seen what your drugs have done to this city. i saw a need, i exploited it. it's all economics, sarah. supply and demand. i. can't. move. i see now that your friend is the one i've been waiting for. there is a way to defeat death. and that's to trade places with him. ashes, ashes, we all fall down. no!!!! danny? they're the souls who came before you. they're crying for the people they've lost. now they're crying for you. you'll be alone, dad. forever. good-bye, dad. there's a balance that needs to be kept. someone had to cross over. are you all right? nothing.