i believe there's a place where the restless souls wander. burdened by the weight of their own sadness, they cannot enter heaven. and so they wait, trapped between our world and the next, endlessly searching for a way to rid themselves of their pain - in the hopes that somehow, some day. they will be reunited with the ones they love. they say that time cancels pain. i don't know about that. eight years ago i lost two of my best friends. two thousand miles later i find i'm still living in the past. every night when i close my eyes the dreams come. that's how the dead talk to us, i guess. in the dark, when our souls are off wandering. i just wish i understood what they were telling me. hey, gabriel. reaches the shower, strips off her clothes. her back and upper arms are decorated with graceful tattoo work - a pair of black angel wings sweeping over her shoulder blades. she's got a ring in her navel, another in a nipple. gotta name? listen, grace, how does some hot coffee sound? maybe a little food? nothing. guess you just remind me of someone i used to know. almost finished. doing okay? that's why they call me the mistress of pain. beats pushing ink in detroit. no, i gotta go home. haven't been sleeping much lately. i've just been having some weird dreams. what are you talking about?! a crow. i don't know, i was just going from the design you gave me. over here, ass-hole. get up. you okay? i just can't do this anymore. i'm so tired of this. get out of here! go!!! ohgodohgodohgod. what do you want from me?! emerges from the shadows, staring down at ashe in wonder. sits on the other side of the loft in a paint-smeared work-shirt, brush in hand. she's studying a half-finished canvas, contemplating her next move. my name's sarah. i had a dream about you. i saw them shoot you and your son. you're dead. stands in the doorway. i don't know. i want to help you. i need to. he's not here anymore. you've been given another chance, ashe -- to put the wrong things right. i believe there've always been people like you. it's the pain that brings people back. it makes us strong again. and all the world will be in love with night. do you believe in fate, noah? i paint what i see. it belonged to a friend. a better place. what about you? you go back. then you're damned look at me. ashe. look at me. i know. i wish i'd met you before. who is it? where am i? my god. what happened to you? judah earl. why did you bring me here? why are you doing this? you can't stop him. go. please go. watches with a mixture of mounting horror and morbid curiousity. what? why are you doing this? lunges forward, clutching the misericord, shoving a reveller aside. get away from him! the crows. i can see them coming. i didn't want it to be you. do you love me? take. this. i'll wait for you. forever, if i have to. listen. if two people really love each other. nothing can keep them apart. i believe there's a place where the restless souls wanter. burdened by the weight of their own sadness, they cannot enter heaven. and so they wait, trapped between our world and the next, endlessly searching for a way to rid themselves of their pain - in the hopes that somehow, some day, they will be reunited. with the ones they love.