i see death returning from the veil of tears. he has your name on his tongue. i see the face of one of your victims. he left a sign, didn't he? yes you do. you've seen it. you've been marked. your enemy wears the mask of the crow. the bird of ill-omen. you won't stop him with bullets or knives. he doesn't feel pain. he doesn't bleed. don't you see? his soul has crossed over. he's come back from the other side. can you look destiny in the eye without flinching? the crow is the source of his power - his link between this world and the next. sever that link and he's as vulnerable as the next man. the bird is the key, the life-force that flows within it. is standing a few yards away, cloaked in darkness, head bowed. sarah didn't notice her at first. the tower. everyone finds their way here eventually. i've learned to live with my affliction. the crow is coming. who has been lurking in the shadows, suddenly lifts her head up. ashe needs you now. more than ever. go to him. nods to herself, satisfied. we see what might be a trace of a smile cross her lips.