what's been holding me together is the hope that maybe you do go someplace. and i'll be seeing her again soon. only what will i say? that i was too stupid to find the guy who killed her? that he's down here laughing? we won't. i don't want you to watch. i don't want to give them the pleasure. i loved lauren. i still do. i'm innocent. murderer! what happened? follow the leader. it's my birthday. go ahead. make a wish. keys? i hear the pitter patter of little feet. damn. happy birthday. police? evidence? look. i like what we've got going here. but i can think of lots better to do with it than fighting crime. know what i mean? ok, ok. what? nothing under "crow." execution? lauren. what are you, an angel? no! i didn't! you lie, you lie, you lie. thomas leonard. i thought i'd be with you now. i'm not dead. and i'm not alive. and i'm remembering. and it hurts. i can't be alive. not without you. i want to be with you forever. what happened to us? it's ok. i'm not going to hurt you. i was a friend of your sister's. that locket you're holding. you have one just like it. your father gave them to both of you. someone else did it. he didn't kill her. i know everything about your sister. i'll prove it to you. sssshhh. she's resting. big bang, primordial ooze, divine hand of a benevolent creator? all possibilities. although recent events have given me doubts about the benevolent creator. you lied at my trial. capital case nine nine dash c one one five. alex corvis. exhibit a. you said you saw me with this. i never held it until today. one chance to tell the truth, tommy. who is the man with the scar? he planted this in my car. wrong. answer. your baby is crying. go. what did they give you? what did they give you? write down their names. all of them. i want you. to bend over. officer dutton. question. these hands? you're up. ladies. drive carefully. you might want to call 911. report an officer down. i guess it's true. guns don't kill people. think maybe knives do? this is not just some "thing." it's a c zero zero five. a scar. on the arm. of the man who planted this in alex corvis's car. he was innocent. you framed him. you. and erlich. and larkin. and toomey. what do you think, officer dutton? an eye for an eye? you were there. all four of you. you killed her. i saw it. i'm working on it. the germans really know how to make a car, don't they? i heard you were looking for this. i want you to think of me as the guy who killed you. ow. what happened to your leg there officer? hunting accident? lauren randall shot you trying to get free. the fifty three stab wounds she died of came from you. am i right? ballpark? in saudi arabia they cut off the hands of petty thieves. what price for a life? two lives? i want lauren. i want my life back. i want. to know why. the scar. which of you has it? how can you die if you're already dead? i was talking about you. i told you, i knew your sister. and another one. there. erlich. took a wrong turn. i'm not hiding. i'm right here. not me. dirty cops killed her. dutton, erlich. i've been shot, and stabbed and thrown from a car and none of it hurt. but what you're doing now, does. i don't know why. no. listen to me. lauren found out something they didn't want her to know. this. from the bonfire over there. look at it. because you need to understand. and you need. to be careful. i'm sorry. your father wasn't right. dream on. two down. two to go. the cops from my trial. they killed lauren. the whole thing was fixed. you think i'm crazy. lauren's father's involved. he bought the cops fancy cars, i don't know what else. it's a company called d-e-l-t. i think lauren found out. i was hoping you'd find out. this is where it happened. right over here. are you ok? no. erin. it's not your fault. no. you don't. there were four of them. she ran. them breathing down her neck. this tree. here's where it happened. she fought for her life because life is worth living. think about that. and then tell me how much you wish you were dead. with the scar. took everything i ever cared about. left me with nothing. have to find him first. you know what lauren and i were fighting about that night? she had a secret, wouldn't tell me. all i knew, she was pulling away. it made me crazy. it's what lauren would do. leonard, dutton, erlich. they don't matter. i want the king. the strip joint? it's ok, it's ok. erin. who? where is it? this place? what? call the police? it will be over soon. watch out for each other. toomey and larkin. they're expecting me. i don't think you want to do that. lot of innocent people here. a lot of people, anyway. how old are you? you have one chance to value your life. take it. lauren? you were here? cheers. toomey! you dripped something! spark, gas. bad combination. and it's not this leak here, that's the least of your worries. we're going to play a little game called "who's got the scar." aaaank. that's not how we play the game. good thing in a situation like this. the scar. i'm losing you. i don't bleed. erin! the king. where are they? where are they? last chance. i'm looking for my friends. you sent them. i had no choice. he grabs for her. she pulls violently away. you're wrong. i loved lauren. i never meant to hurt her. it connects you to me. all lies. everything you ever showed me. where'd they go? i don't expect a call from the governor. any last words? captain, my captain? was that it? well, ok. erin. i'll always be with you.