sit down. i thought we had an understanding. i thought we understood that discretion is paramount. shut up. erlich gimping around in his goddamn hot rod is not discreet. i've got reporters asking me how much he made. i've got the entire force looking at this case now. you know. no shit he leaves a sign. he's a goddamn picasso. what else do you know? do you know this? some hooker phoned it in. there was a riot at his apartment yesterday. good for you. you do know something. don't say. just do. before it all comes tumbling down. idiots. you're the only one who makes it go away. why wasn't the incident reported? so you pretended nothing happened. no. i wouldn't expect you to. you lost him! now lay off the fucking doors! could say that. sign of the dead come back to life. the dead can return, given sufficient motivation. and corvis has that. he's looking for something. won't stop until he finds it. sometimes the best way to get rid of someone is to let them have what they want. you know it doesn't work this way. partnerships don't end like that. friendships don't. do you believe in ghosts, nathan? because there's a ghost threatening us. i mean lauren. because you never accepted that what happened to her was an accident. an accident, nathan. i watched her grow up. just like you. i know how her mind worked. she kept snooping around because she was worried about you. what you'd gotten yourself into. so stop blaming me. and blame yourself. erin knows, doesn't she? don't even bother. you never were a good liar. look at this. everything we worked for. you tell me. what are we going to do? no. erin, i put out a bulletin on your car because. there's bad news. and i thought you should hear it from me. your father got involved with some bad cops. on my force, so i take responsibility. he killed himself. how did he kill himself? with a gun. is that what you mean? he left this. names, addresses, a note to you. these people he was involved with killed lauren. he couldn't bear it anymore. it's right there, under that paper. here. look. you were always the stupid one. hurry. we don't have much time. i hate that picture. can i get you something? a glass of water? a transfusion? or what? you'll bleed all over my carpet? you know crime was actually down until you showed up, or stuck around, or whatever the hell you're doing here. what are you doing here? see, i heard you were looking for some guy with a scar. how's that going? you find him? yes? no? you are like the guest who would not leave, you know that? and judging from your condition, maybe you've overstayed your welcome. that's not a criticism. just an observation. i don't think you're going to use it. that's lauren's knife. you come in here al lfull of righteous indignation, but what have you got to be righteous about? how many innocent people did you leave dead back there? bullshit. you're a killer, that's all you are. a clown with a bird and a rising death toll. you think the world did you wrong?! you did the world wrong. you and lauren had a fight. you couldn't let it go. it was one thing her dad rejected you. but when she did you lost it. yeah? i see doubt oozing out your arm. where do people go when they kill their girlfriends? screwed up kid stabs her fifty three times. where would he end up? you see it? huh? did you see it? yeah. i think you fucking saw it. just don't believe everything you see. give me a hand with this sack of shit. i've seen birds stuffed and mounted so lifelike you'd swear you saw them breathing. maybe we had a case of that here. get me my kit. in all the excitement i kind of lost count. i think i'll mount him with his head up his ass. grab it! you brought him back. good. he owes you. we'll stick together, you and i. seen but not heard. they ought to make it a law. i know you too well. you won't do it. one in the chamber. that's all you get. what the fuck? yeah. fuck you. i'm not dying for your goddamn illusions. you got that? you think you and your girlfriend had some rosy future ahead of you? bullshit. she was already bored, why do you think she was looking around? you're nothing, corvis! less than nothing. you can't do this to me you little fucks! i'll come back, just like you, a big fucking shit spewing bird and three guesses what little bitch i'm taking out first.