people here are protesting the execution of a kid just turning twenty-one. a kid who had a tough life. no parents, no dough. always had to fight for everything. it's a tragedy, it really is. but i don't see a single sign telling me alex corvis is innocent. we all wish this had ended better. sir. what the hell was that? shit. let's hope not. license and registration please. what's with your friend there? but you, you've had them. if you had a license, i bet i'd have seen it by now. how old are you? fifteen? why don't you get out. i want you. to bend over. what did i say? maybe i'll ask your friend. where'd you come from? out of the car. now! hands on the car. you're dead, ditch weed. that was a fucking hollow point! keep that thing away from me. you're the skel broke into the evidence room. fuck! what do you want? there's no scar, you freak. the corvis kid made it up. bitch killed herself when she shot a cop in the leg. if she' just acted like a girl nothing would have happened. so you're right, spooky. happy?