why are there so many? it's because they're doing this on his birthday. dad. i want to take this to lauren. she'd want it. stay in the car. i'll only take a second. it's not that. really. it's just. now that he's gone, i think it's time. don't come near me! i know her friends. yeah, no kidding. and he's right over there by the way. what did you do to your face? you're a friend of the guy who killed her, aren't you? you almost sound like him. how do you know? stay away from me! dad! dad! watch out! this guy said he was a friend of lauren's. he had like paint all over his face. what's that supposed to mean? he was right here. he was! dad! come in here! the cop who found the knife in corvis's car. lauren called me that when we were little. daisy. no one knew but us. that guy in the cemetery today said he knew everything about lauren. he said he'd prove it. daisy. how did you know? you killed that cop dutton. i know who you are. that's why you paint your face. to hide. you killed lauren! you killed her! my dad was right! he said you'd ruin her life. no! why are you haunting me? i think i dropped an earring. alex corvis didn't kill lauren. cops did. didn't they? you're in with them. you killed her! stay away from me! stay away! about you. don't call me that! don't call me anything! i don't believe you. i'm never going back in that house again. get away. they killed alex for something you did, daddy. you killed both of them. yeah, i know. when lauren was missing the police came to our house. they said they were looking for her, right? but i know now they had her, and the reason they brought her here and knew the could blame it on you. is that i sent them here. i told them she came here sometimes. with her dirtball boyfriend. that's exactly what i said. it's all my fault. oh god. i wish i were dead. yes i do, i really do. no. i don't want to know. i don't want to see! so you're going to kill him? my father. i used to be so proud of him. my big deal daddy. and now, he's just a crook. worse even. and the weird thing is. i wish i could hate him but i can't. he said he'd never hurt either of us, and i know it's true and. i'm going back. i want to forget. forget what i know. forget myself. forget everything. keep it. because it connects you to lauren. and it connects you to me. no matter what happens i'll make sure everyone knows. that you're innocent. that you loved her. i promise. i don't want to be me anymore. make me like you. dad?! you home? alex! they killed my dad. it's not. i can't take it. i don't know. i found him lying there. what is this? where are you going? don't leave me. please. you followed me here. how? no. i mean. how did he kill himself how do you figure he killed himself--with a gun, right--when it wasn't anywhere near where you found him? you killed him. back the fuck off! now! the note. show it to me. not you! show it to me. no matter what happens. you're innocent. i promise. you don't know me at all. you are so dead. you want to get some breakfast? what i mean is. i don't know how this works, but. in the woods you said you had nothing. but you wouldn't, and i wouldn't if there's some way you don't have to go. please. at least not right away. alex. look at this. i love alex. as my sister always hoped i would. and i love lauren. and i know, because of this, that love does not die. i'm alive. thinking of them. hoping that, sometimes, they're thinking of me.