police! how's the month end? where's dutton? anyone at all curious why? you leave the door open with two hundred strangers out there! what's it take for you guys to learn a goddamn lesson? you know why dutton's not here? rigor mortis! he's dead. one shot to the head, then fifty three stab wounds with a six inch blade. any deja vu here? think corvus knife, missing from the evidence room. since last night. as usual, you're right on top of things. shut up! erlich and larkin settle down. crime scene's a goddamn clusterfuck. every reporter in town's trying to get a look at dutton's body. i suggest we get a line on this before someone else does. calm down. scary guy. not only survives that crash, but takes time out for art. right back at ya. yeah, we do. i know. i know the guy leaves a sign. tommy leonard. the eyewitness in the corvis case. guy dressed for halloween? they botched the execution. christ. it was corvis. tommy leonard was right. fucking crow. how about sign of a big black bird? time out. you really saying he's back from beyond? cause if you're losing your mind, i got a right to know. you need help? you were right. picture's worth a thousand words. doubt is a motherfucker. so was he dead? or alive? you two are majorly demented. anyone ever tell you that?