it's a beautiful home you have here mrs. rosemond. my mother and i used to ride a lot, before she got sick. my grandpa, used to breed horses on his farm so i would come over and ride all the time. ben schwarz. german. thank you. it's so peaceful and quiet around here. junior. no. i don't know. relationships seem too distracting. i'd rather concentrate on my studies. no. are you often this offensive on a first encounter? you did? that's a first. most people praised me for it. i wasn't knocking anything. it's just my belief that people shouldn't actually experience the act of love until they are in love and that people our age are too immature to be in touch with those emotions. take yourself. you've slept with several women. are you happier because of it? a friend wrote me. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you. but you still didn't answer the question. it's not really important. why are you being so dramatic? alright, i said i was sorry. can we start over again? i think we've gotten off on the wrong foot. excuse me. excuse me! look, i know this is your house and all, but do you think you couid keep it down? i'm trying to read. the fountainhead. you've read the fountainhead? romantic? he rapes her. you need help. at this hour? i don't think so. gee, with an invitation like that how could a girl refuse. give me a minute. i'll be right down. you know it amazes me that someone as bright as you can be so horrible. this is my favorite part. even more treacherous and dangerous than he is charming and fascinating. he has never taken a single step or spoken a single word without some dishonorable or criminal intention. every young girl he has successfully pursued has regretted it. i sincerely doubt it. the last thing i need is you going into my room searching for this while i'm away. how's the water? about what? i never said that. look, i didn't mean to give you a hard time. thank you. shut up. look, i'm flattered but, seriously it could never work. because you act like a pig. i don't. i don't want to answer that. look we're friends. i'm sorry, but you're not my type. you're naked. that's repulsive. get some manners. no thank you. give it up. i'm not going to speak to you till you realize that you can't intimidate me. it was fine. i thought we agreed that we were going to be friends. and that's a bad thing? i'm sorry, but i'm not here to be your savior. you don't even know me. yes, but only when it's mutual. and this is far from mutual. i can't. i'm seeing a friend. that's none of your business. i'm busy. that's also none of your business. you truly want to do something to make me happy? and you promise to abide by it? alright. i want you to leave and go back to new york. if that's a problem, then i'll make arrangements to stay with some friends. it's not about being happy. you and i can't - really? i thought he said it all the time. nothing. no. i mean. i don't know. what else do you know about him? what do you mean? i don't know. i've been hearing some awful things about him. i can't tell you. i'm sworn to secrecy. forever. you promise not to say anything? okay. no, not at all. i'm. i'm alright. it wasn't a date. he's just a friend. wait, don't hang up. what are you doing? what are you reading? somerset maugham. you're not gonna start that again. sure. have a good night. i'm doing some volunteer work. you? volunteer? i don't think so. okay. oh please. "i actually feel good about myself?" you must take me for a real idiot. you're going to tell me that you had a good time with the old lady. that's okay. it doesn't make you a bad person. no, it doesn't. i'm happy you're being honest with me. it's not about winning. you know what your problem is? you take yourself way too seriously. lighten up. fine. oh dear, are you actually laughing? no? there's hope for you, yet. not at all. have a seat. florentino ariza. who's monsieur philipe? bonjour monsieur philipe. thank you. i am too. why are you doing this? i thought you said we were going to be friends. i have feelings for you. that's not fair. you really want to know? it's because i don't trust myself with you. i took a vow and because of you i'm tempted to break it. don't destroy that for me. please. come in. where are you going? i think that's for the best. sebastian, please. i don't want us to end on bad terms. how am i a hypocrite? please don't go. i. i want you. hi. i'm fine. i have to get going to my friends' house. was it -- hi. would you like a tour? and this is my room. yeah, me neither. what are you saying? i love you. why are you trying to hurt me? you don't know how to love. but you knew this was important to me. please go. sebastian! get an ambulance! i can see why. annette harrison. i don't think so. you might say that. that's right. i'll be fine. thank you. oh cut the shit, kathryn. you heard me. kathryn, i know all about you and sebastian. i have his journal. his journal. he sent it to me the day before he died. everything about you is in it. the blow jobs, the hand jobs, the menages, your bout with bulimia, the affair you had with your guidance counselor and how he gave you. eww. let's see, then there's your coke problem. you still keep it in your crucifix, don't you? it's all in there. actually, i was planning on running down to kinkos. do you think you could give me ride? i know.