- none taken - any ideas who it could be? where did you say she's from? greg mcconnell. he's from kansas city. i wouldn't be surprised if he was your rat. i don't think that bothered him. let's just say greg likes tackling tight ends on and off the field. i shit you not. mcconnell used to sneak in my dorm room drunk every month. we'd go at it for a while, then as soon as he'd cum, he starts freaking out. you know - "what are you doing, man? i'm not a fag. i'll kick your ass if you say anything." it's like, for christsakes greg, you're gay, deal with it. the only reason why i let him continue with his charade is because he's got a mouth like a hoover. not anymore. football team started practice last week. he's already called me to hook up. hmmm. i do believe bravo is showing spartacus on television tonight. don't think it's not going to cost you. i thought i did. hey hey hey. careful valmont, he's not a fudge packer. cum chugger yes but not a fudge packer. i think he's telling the truth valmont. greg couldn't write a grocery list let alone a letter. our boy just can't get enough dick.