i'll do my best. i was thanking her. vietnamese is such a beautiful language. you're too kind. i know this sounds corny, but whenever i feel temptations of peer pressure, don't worry, it's totally understandable. most of the boys that matriculate at oakwood are very upstanding gentleman, however there are the occasional bad apples. cecile's attending oakwood in the fall. i'll call you later and we'll get together and plan your curriculum. i'm just taking the poor girl under my wing. hopefully, though she suspects that your decrepit alcoholic father is diddling the maid. oh, poor baby. well you can relax. i have a mission for you. you know court reynolds, son of garret reynolds? he didn't dump me. we had a parting of the ways. what do you think? in any event, my feelings were hurt when i learned that he had fallen for someone else. someone chaste. pure. innocent. none other than cecile caldwell. i don't find this very funny, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. when i get through with her, she'll be the premier blow job queen of the tri-state area and poor little court's heart will be shattered. because if there's an attack made on court it could be traced back to me. i can't allow that to happen. everybody loves me and i intend to keep it that way. i need you to seduce our young cecile. introduce her to your world of decadence and debauchery. she's quite cute you know. young supple breasts, a tight firm ass and an uncharted pootie. why not? oh but diddling the therapist's daughter is a challenge? i'm not interested in the latest dating tips from jonathan taylor thomas. jesus christ, is she for real? b.f.d. what do you plan to do? fly to kansas and woo little dorothy. you don't stand a chance. even this is out of your league. i'll think about it. oh gee, your journal. could you be more queer? oh sebastian. about that little wager of yours. if you lose, then that hot little porsche of yours is mine. i'll give you something you've been jerking off about ever since our parents got married. in english. i'll fuck your brains out. because i'm the only person you can't control and it kills you. you can put it anywhere. it would feel so yummy. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt. your playing was beautiful. likewise i'm sure. so, rumor has it that you went on a date with court reynolds. i hear he's very nice. really? bulimic headcase. that's great. what are you scared of? haven't you ever practiced with one of your girlfriends? it's not gross. how else do you think girls learn? here turn around and face me. do you want to learn or not? see that wasn't so bad. let's try it again, only this time i'm going to stick my tongue in your mouth. when i do that i want you to massage my tongue with yours. that's what first base is. eyes closed. maybe you should try it on your friend ronald sometime. oh come on cecile. he's crazy about you. that's so romantic. have you responded? well do you like him? cecile, we just made out in the middle of central park. you can trust me. listen to me. your mother must never know. never. did you hide the letters? i want you to make me copies of his letters and bring them to me. cecile if there's one thing i'm great at it's love letters. with my help, he'll be eating out of the palm of your hand. perhaps we can arrange a little get together for the two of you at my house. of course i would. we're friends, right? fuck her yet? loser. call me later. ow. that hurt you stupid bitch. oops. enough with the music. fuck her already. shhh. idiot! what's wrong with you? interesting. no. the plot thickens. it appears that cecile has fallen for her music teacher. not to mention court reynolds. unfortunately, ronald's moving with the speed of a special olympic bobsledder. i rat cecile out to mommy. mommy goes ballistic and ends their relationship. boo hoo. cecile is planning to go away with court next week. i'll need you to speed up her sexual awakenings. thank you. mmmm, that feels good. i hate when things don't go my way. it makes me so horny. i know. have you succeeded in your task? well, let me know when you do. until then. do you carry any real fur? of course. the animals. how silly of me. i hope i didn't keep you from something. it's cecile. well. you promise you won't say anything to her. we've developed a friendship and. it's worse. i think there's something going on between cecile and her music teacher. i know. she's so young and he's so - he's been sending her love letters that she hides under her doll house. i questioned whether or not to tell you, but something like this could destroy her reputation at oakwood and i don't want to see her get hurt. you will be discreet about this? oh poo. i left my credit cards at home. oh please. i can't have you do that. thank you. what do you do? tell her you love her. because we want to see cecile happy and we know you make her happy. cecile. i'm aware. what is that? oh my god, it's your conscience. eat me, sebastian. it's alright for you to fuck everyone, but because i'm a girl it's wrong. well let me tell you something, i didn't ask to be a girl. do you think i relish the fact that i have to act like mary sunshine twenty four seven, so i can be considered a "laaaady." do you think i take great delight when i hear - "kathryn is so wonderful." "kathryn is a model child." "kathryn is going to make an excellent wife one day." i'm the marsha fucking brady of the upper east side and sometimes i want to kill myself for it. no, i don't enjoy being a part of the weaker sex and for that reason everyone around me is going to suffer. so there's your psychoanalysis doctor freud. now are you in or are you out? i'll be there in a few hours. it's kathryn. calm down. tell me what's wrong. what do you mean?! cecile, you have to tell me. does your mother know? why didn't you do something? so, let me get this straight. you came over to our house late last night and he forced intercourse on you. he made you give him a blow job. well what then? cecile, i think you're going to have a hard time crying rape if that's all he did. well did you like it? cecile, you had an orgasm. i'm so proud of you. you're becoming a woman. now listen. now that you're on your way, it would be stupid of you to stop. think of sebastian as a tutor. let him instruct you. so? don't you want to make ronald a happy pappy? practice makes perfect, cecile. my advice is to sleep with as many people as possible. cecile, everybody does it. it's just that nobody talks about it. that's one way of looking at it. i just had a nice chat with cecile. i don't think she'll be giving you anymore problems. who are you spying on? that her? jesus, she reeks of laura ashley. oh, she's crying. wittle baby's upset by the big bad book. what's your problem? she's really getting to you, isn't she? and that's why you're losing your bet? do you mind if i take my new porsche for a ride? morning! so? how'd it go last night? well i know how it went with cecile. she won't shut up about it. how'd it go with mrs. jesus? she shot you down. so what went wrong? you're telling me you had the chance to fuck her and you didn't. god are you a chump. if you're heading towards her room, you won't find her. you don't know? she left thirty minutes ago. she wouldn't say. she apologized to your aunt and told her she was going to stay with some friends. you blew it, sebastian. that girl has come to her senses and she will never go near you again. slower. a little to the left. look, pretend like you're writing the alphabet. a. b. mmm, stay on b. one second. come in. kind of. call me. you didn't? tell me all the details. oh come on. for her first time? no, tell me. wow. so you made love. ooo, i hear the birds chirping. so i assume you've come here to make some arrangements. excuse me? and that's why you're leaving? i want to fuck. oh my god. you're completely p-whipped. p-whipped, p-whipped. i'm sorry. it's just upsetting. you're in love with her. you don't love me anymore. at first it was, but now it's become something bigger. not anymore you don't. it's obvious. is that what you think? then do me a favor and get rid of her. if not for me, then do it for you. look at yourself. you're a joke. she's turned you into jelly. what do you want to be, one of those losers who walk down the halls holding hands and smiling. people used to respect you. they feared you and now you're going to throw that all away. why so nervous? how have you dumped girls in the past? i knew this guy last summer in the hamptons. he and his girlfriend at the time were madly in love with each other. but she had this huge weight problem. his friends taunted him mercilessly about it. you know, "how do you breathe when she sits on your face?" "it's embarrassing for you to be seen with her." finally he couldn't take it anymore and decided to dump her. she flipped and he went on the defensive. i distinctly remember him saying the same thing over and over again. "i'm completely fucked up." "i'm completely fucked up." "i'm completely fucked up." poor fatty never had a chance. don't be weak. jesus. a little melodramatic, don't you think. mind if i ask what you're doing in my room? annette? well done. i'd love to, but unfortunately i'm expecting some company. not that it's any of your business but yes. well done. to my triumph, of course. silly rabbit. my triumph isn't over her. it's over you. you were very much in love with her and you're still in love with her. but it amused me to make you ashamed of it. you gave up on the first person you ever loved because i called you names. don't get me wrong, i'm flattered that you chose me over her, but please understand, i never loved you, sebastian. you're just a toy. a little toy i play with. and now you've completely blown it with her. i think that's the saddest thing i've ever heard. cheers. i'm sorry, but unfortunately i don't fuck losers. get off me! fine! get off me! i accept. now get out. didn't you hear what i said? get out! and if i don't? i think you have your answer. ronald? it's kathryn. no. it's sebastian. he's out of his mind. i think he's high on drugs. he hit me, then took off. i'm afraid to be alone. please come over. and when i confronted him about his affair with cecile he told me it was none of my business. then when i said "well what about ronald," he said you were nothing more than a stupid. the n word and that you deserved what you got. it's been going on for a while. then he called me a disgrace to our family and that's when he hit me. i'd be careful if i were you. god knows what he's up to. will you stay here for the night? you can leave in the morning. that's when my parents get back and -- thanks ronald. you're a good friend. he loved that view. i'm kathryn. have we met? did you know sebastian well? now i remember. annette harrison. your father's the new headmaster at oakwood. i'm sure you're going to love it there. are you okay? well, i'll leave you alone now. i just came in here to get something of mine. look, i know this sounds corny, but whenever i feel like i can't go on i. turn to jesus and he helps me through the problem. call me an anachronism, but - excuse me? who the hell do you think you are coming into my house and saying those things to me. my brother is dead, have some respect. sebastian was a pathological liar. i wouldn't believe a word he - you what? you didn't show it to anybody? you can't do this to me. it could ruin me.