i can't tell you how happy we are that cecile is going to be attending oakwood with you this fall. you've always been an inspiration to beau and i on raising her. we just hope she can rise to the high standards which you've set for her. how do you do it? i mean with all peer pressuring that goes on in high school. where do you get your strength? that's beautiful. cecile, is that the best you can do? you must forgive her, kathryn. she's never been in a co-educational atmosphere before. like your step-brother sebastian. i can't believe they didn't expel him after what he did to the school nurse. you remember my daughter, cecile. i think we'll be going now. thanks for all your help. let's go, cecile. now! i got your message and came as quick as i could. not at all. what's wrong? what about her? kathryn, you have my word. it isn't drugs is it? ronald? that's crazy. black. i can't thank you enough. absolutely. let me get that for you. it's the least i can do. who the hell do you think you are?! i'm paying you to give cello lessons. not to pervert my child. is that so? margarita found them while cleaning your room. don't you raise your voice at me. go to your room, now. whatever. you are never to set foot in this house again and you are never and i mean never to see my daughter again. is that understood?! oh don't give me any of that racist crap. my husband and i gave money to colin powell. cecile are you up yet? we're gonna to be late for the - well hurry up. i want to be at mrs. rosemond's before lunch. it was nice of you to invite us up for the weekend, helen. i didn't know you'd be here, sebastian. sad, sad, sad. to think of the opportunities that boy had. this should be a lesson to us all that our children need constant supervision. it's all about quality time.