i know. i know. what do you want me to say? that i'm supposed to feel remorse because i act the way i do? the truth is i don't. i do. let me tell you something, doctor. chicks love a guy with a bad rap. they say they don't, but they don't mean it. they all think that they're the ones that are going to "save me." the trick is to let them think it's true. same time next week? why? i like spending time with you. you know, you're quite attractive for a woman your age. you have killer legs. killer. don't be insecure, doc. you're a big help. it works a little. you do? well, you don't have to get nasty about it. yummy. really? care to make a wager on that? what, nervous i'm going to win? i hear she's recovering quite well. my, what an adorable shirt you're wearing. how are things down under? blossoming i hope. outstanding. i'm what you would call a fifth year senior. it is, unless you're a fuck up, like myself. ciao. do you care to tell me what mrs. white-trash and her stupid daughter are doing in my house? lovely. how is your gold digging whore of a mother enjoying bali? zipping through my inheritance per usual? it was fine. what? you mean the nazi who dumped you over fourth of july weekend? swallow? sorry. you don't mean? so that's what this is all about. we'll get together and plan your curriculum. why go through cecile? why not just attack court? i see your point. though why should i care? sounds intriguing. i can't. oh come on, kathryn. it's too easy. "but i thought high school was only four years." i mean, please. she knows nothing. she's seen nothing. i could have her under the table at au bar sucking me off before the appetizer arrived. go get one of those moron friends of yours to do it. i have a reputation to uphold. that was just simple revenge. what i have planned requires sheer genius. shut up and turn to page 64. oh yes. i've read it over and over again. this baby's the real deal. daddy's little angel. a paradigm of chastity and virtue. it just so happens we're not in kansas anymore. our little angel's father has accepted the new headmaster position at oakwood. she's staying with my aunt up in connecticut while daddy sells his house. can you imagine what this would do for my reputation? screwing the new headmaster's virginal daughter before school starts? it will be my greatest victory. care to make a wager on that? oh well, duty calls. time to add another chapter to my work of art. could you be more desperate to read it? what are the terms? and if i win? be more specific. what makes you think i'd go for that bet? that's a seventy thousand dollar car. no way, that car means everything to me. even there? pull! they're coming back next week. i write them everyday. i guess that makes two of us. welcome. so what year are you going into? got a boyfriend back home? why not? you a lesbo? nice. i was just being honest. you happen to have a nice ass. sorry. i read your teen beat manifesto. i must say i found it rather appalling. most people are morons. i mean who are you to knock what you've never experienced? oh really? how do you know i've been with several women? well maybe you should get to know the person before you judge them instead of listening to some bullshit gossip. who the hell is taking the time to write letters, spreading this shit about me? fine, forget it. it's obvious that we're not going to be friends. look, i've got a lot of problems and i'm trying to deal with them and the last thing i need is people spreading shit about me. sebastian valmont. unbelievable. some fag, no offense - - wrote a letter to this chick and saying shit about me. blaine, if i knew who it was that person wouldn't be alive right now. kansas. who the hell do i know in kansas? the football stud? it would make sense. mcconnell hates me. i fingered his girlfriend at the game last year. what do you mean? are you shitting me? too bad he's in kansas this summer. really. you think you could arrange a little get together with him tonight on my behalf? outstanding. no problem. just make sure your front door is unlocked. shall we say the "stroke of midnight" no pun intended? you talking to me? what'cha reading? great book. several times. i'm not as dumb as i act, you know. when howard roark makes love to dominique francon. most romantic scene in all of literature. that's a matter of opinion. why don't you come join me for a swim and we'll discuss it. oh come on. quit acting like a geriatric and get in the pool. please. thank you. i'm working on it. blow me. okay. what? another letter from your friend? you know you could at least have the decency of telling me who's badmouthing me so i might have the opportunity to confront them face to face. how do you know it's not some girl who's pissed off at me for breaking up with her? give me the fucking letter. is that the last thing you need? my your clever. refreshing. about what you said today in the stable. i'm not a happy person. you implied it. no, it's okay. i mean i look at you with all your morals and values and well, you seem to be happy in your choices. i envy you. no bullshit. seriously, you're amazing. you have everything going for you. you're smart, you're beautiful, you're determined. you're everything i want in a girlfriend. i wasn't kidding. i'd like to take you out. why not? do you deny that there's an attraction between us? you don't find me cute? come on, look at these muscles. fine. friends it is. i can live with that. it's my house. what's the big deal? we're friends. haven't you ever seen your friends naked before? sorry, i didn't know you were peenaphobic. baby? right on time. hey blaine, did i leave my. holy shit. greg, is that you under the covers? whoa! -- really drunk and blah blah blah blah blah. your career? what about your family? can you imagine the humiliation your father's going to feel when he finds out his pride and joy is a fudge- packer. hmmmmmmm. nah. i can't help you there. it's too good to pass up. come on greg. you're the only one who knows her. the truth will save you. alright, i believe you. stop crying. your secret's safe with me. i'll leave you guys alone. score one for the team, greg. need a lift? how are you today? oh right, last night. i guess i owe you an apology. i said i was sorry. i wish i could say the same for myself. i was up thinking about you all night. yes, well unfortunately i can't just switch the "on" button to "off." the sad fact of the matter is that you've unintentionally rubbed off on me. i'm trying to better myself, but the one person who can help me is the same one pushing me away. well try this one on for size. i think i'm falling in love with you. don't you believe in love at first sight? ouch. do you think we could spend some time together this morning? who? how about tonight? doing what? tell me what to do, annette. how can i win your heart. i'll do anything. i can't get you out of my mind. yes. without question. what? i'll leave this afternoon. happy? that nosey bitch. are you sure? did you do everything i asked you to? you told her i never said i love you before? you told her that people are jealous cause i'm loaded? and you think she bought it? pretty sure or sure sure? i'll be in touch. you would not believe what-- you ready for this? i've recently discovered that our good friend mrs. caldwell is the one who sent the letter to annette urging her to stay away from me. i now plan to devote all my energies to destroying the douche bag. any luck corrupting her daughter? call cecile up and get her to come over. i'll bust that cherry in a heartbeat. ooo, i'm sure mrs. caldwell will love that. what's your plan of attack? but who will they turn to for help? i'm at your service. oh sis. you're so tense. i hate it too. moving along quite well. any day now. goodbye mister bond. well, i was just calling to see how you're doing. how was your date? well, i was just calling to tell you i was thinking about you and i miss you. i'll let you go. okay? reading. of human bondage. yeah, it's pretty relevant considering my situation. no. i'm through with my childish games when it comes to you. hold on, that's my other line. rub. i will. shut up, gretchen. you don't even know what it is. do you know what it's about? books are for fags. i weep for the future. you're a lucky guy. ronald, e-mail's for geeks and pedophiles. be romantic. write her another letter. who are you calling? before we go through with this, i just want you to be aware of the damage we're going to cause. are you really? i mean, we've done some pretty fucked up shit in our time but this. i mean, we're destroying an innocent girl. you do realize that. you amaze me. cecile. now i need you to listen to me very carefully. i have a letter from ronald that he asked me to give to you. now i can't exactly bring it to your house, since your mother despises me so here's what we're going to do. excellent. he'll love it. just taking your photo. mmmm, you're right. those clothes don't do you justice. why don't you take them off. i'm sorry that was out of line. i was just kidding. okay, okay. i'll just call your mom and have her come pick you up. why not? . oh wow, she doesn't know you're here. in fact, you're grounded. jesus, you could get in a shitload of trouble for this. i think i should call her anyway. cecile, all i want to do is give you a kiss. of course. i'm not a monster. i swear. you promised to let me kiss you. i don't want to kiss you here. i want to kiss you there. afternoon ladies. i wasn't planning on it, but being such a lovely day, why waste it in the city. anyone for tennis? i hope she's alright. alone again. what are you up to today? need any company? i don't know? maybe i'd like it. i'm trying to change here. you could be supportive. babe, you're looking at the next mother teresa. yes, you already did. right after we played backgammon. uh huh. you beat me three times. yep. then i fucked your daughter. i said, do you want some water? come in. it's weird. i actually feel good about myself. can we do this again next week? what? i do. i don't. i did. we played three games of backgammon and. yes it does. i can't win with you. i do not. i am lighten. can we drop this? what are you doing? stop it, it's distracting. no. stop that. yippy. take a look for yourself. yeah. shut up. nothing. if you must know, yes. i don't know what to do. i can't stand that holier than thou bullshit and yet, i'm completely infatuated with her. she made me laugh. i'm not losing the bet. it's just taking longer than i expected. kathryn, the only thing you're going to be riding is me. now if you'll excuse me, i have some work to do. am i bothering you? don't tell me you finished the fountainhead already? my friend monsieur philipe is a friend of florentino. you don't know monsieur philipe? you are very pretty. i would like to kiss you. that felt good too. i will kiss you all over. you know what? i don't take it back. because i'm in love with you. i can't handle it. i can't keep my feelings bottled up like you. can you honestly tell me that you feel nothing for me? . tell me! then what's wrong? i love you annette. it's not like you have a husband, unless your married to jesus. why can't we be together? yes. shit. some other time, cecile. for the first time, yes. it'll pass. cecile. this is what i like to call quiet time. this is time when we reflect on what we've done. you think? no, you were fine. i'm getting out of here. i'm taking a shower. no. good night cecile. i just came to say goodbye. back to the city. i may take off to europe for the rest of the summer. i just can't handle it around here. good for you. well, i'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter. you make me sick. you're a hypocrite and i don't associate with hypocrites. oh please annette. you spend all your time preaching about waiting for love. well here it is. right in front of you, but you're going to turn your back on it. i'm sorry that we're not at the age where we can get married. if we were, i'd propose, but that's not going to happen. so i guess we're just fucked. i'll move on, but you. you're going to have to live with yourself knowing you've turned your back on love. and that makes you a hypocrite. get off me. i'm sorry, i can't. shit. morning. with who? if your asking if i nailed her the answer is no. exactly the opposite. i don't know. she was lying on the bed, ready to do it, but i-- i don't, i was. i just didn't feel right about it. a momentary lapse of judgment, soon to be rectified. where is she? where'd she go? we'll see about that. is she with you? sebastian, you faggot. is she with you? where is she?! mcconnell, i'm gonna out your ass in two seconds if you don't tell me where she is. one. grand central. you better not be fucking with me cause it's your ass on the line. ooops. hi. it was perfect. you work way to hard. here. take the day off. merry christmas. bad time? well, you obviously wanted me to witness your little adventure or else you wouldn't have invited me in. say hi to cecile. i am. oh yes. it was. fantastic. i know. that's the amazing part of it. i mean, it wasn't like cirque du soleil acrobatics, just standard missionary stuff, but it was. ah forget it. i'm going to sound like a hallmark card. it was. it was like the emotional part outweighed the physical part. mock, mock, mock. some other time. i'm not in the mood. it clearly is why. and i don't. i'll pick you up in an hour. i love you too. no, i'm not. what's wrong with you? why are you acting this way? oh come on, kathryn, it was just a contest. kathryn, you know i love you. i've always loved you. i can't believe you're reacting this way. you're just saying this because you lost the bet. that's not fair. you're taking all the fun out of it. i've never done this before. screening calls. any suggestions? hi. is annette at home? hi. sure. this isn't working out for me anymore. it's not you, it's me. i'm completely fucked up. why aren't you understanding? i know. i wish i felt the same. unfortunately, i feel nothing. i think it was just the conquest. sorry, i'm completely fucked up. i'm just being honest. i just wanted to see what you were like in bed. you don't even know me. the fact of the matter is there is some one i love. she's smarter, prettier. you don't even compare to her. the only reason i am here is because she wants us to be exclusive. what, your virginity? well that's over now. sorry. i'm completely fucked up. i have a flair for drama. you wanted an answer to your question. devastated beyond repair. i doubt she'll ever trust a man again. i thought we should celebrate. ronald? from ronald. thank you. now, where were we? not my choice of toast, but it's your call. to your triumph over annette. come again? in any event, you still owe me my reward. calm down. will you calm down? i'm very sorry about that. i apologize. get out? we had an arrangement. i don't care what you said, we had an agreement. you've slept with half of the borough so don't tell me you're being choosy. i'm giving you to the count of three to plop your ass down on the bed. then i will consider it a declaration of war. one. two. three. war it is. it's desperate that i talk to her. well please leave a message that i called. shit. i need to talk to annette. do you know where she is? do you know when she'll be back? annette! annette! fine. could you please see that she gets this. it's really important. dear annette. thank you for reading this letter. i don't know what i can possibly say to rectify the harm i have caused you. for once in my life i'm at a loss for words. the truth of the matter is that being with you was the only time i have ever been happy. my whole life has been a joke. i prided myself on taking joy in others' misery. well, it finally backfired. i succeeded in hurting the first person i loved. i wish more than anything i could take it back, but i guess that's not possible. enclosed is my most prized possession. my journal. for a long time i considered it my trophy. a sordid collection of my conquests. if you really want to know the truth, then please read it. no more lies. a car is picking me up tomorrow and taking me to martha's vineyard, where we have a summer home. nothing would make me happier than if you joined me. i'm a fucking wreck without you. if you're interested please meet me outside my building at nine. if not, i understand. love, sebastian. what time is it? did she show up? do you mind if i check upstairs? i understand. thanks for letting me crash here. hey ronald. can we do it later. i've had a really bad night and - what are you talking about? kathryn? oh christ, she got to you too? ronald, you don't know what you're talking about. ronald, i'm sorry. fuck you. i'm okay. i'm okay. holy shit. i'm sorry. i'm okay. everything's good.