you want something in particular? come on. someone recommend you? who? what's his name? what's it to you? you american? not english. scottish? the accent, i suppose. like treacle. nice laugh. that should make her happy. don't know. who is she? hiya, hon. see that, col? he gave me a look. just cut his hair, you know. what you think? there, he did it again. what would you call it? ask him to ask me what i'm drinking. a margarita. now he can look. ask him does he like his hair, col. he's scottish, col. what'd he say, col? what do you think his name is? jimmy? hi, jimmy. fuck off, dave. he's still looking, col. good thing in a man. maybe he wants something. ask him. so tell me. everybody wants something. not you. how quaint. how old-fashioned and quaint. isn't it, col? you old-fashioned? fuck off, dave. did i? you heard me -- hi. thank you. jimmy. maybe. see, they get the wrong idea. they all get the wrong idea. charming. break his neck. no, don't. he's going to take his foot off slowly, david. then you're to go home, like a good boy. you hear me? come on, honey. yes, thank you. he wants me to perform for him. you know. god no. i'm a hairdresser. you can't leave me then, can you? you want me to ask you in, right? but i'm not cheap, you know that? loud, but never cheap. if you kissed me, it would really get his goat. now, if you asked me to meet you tomorrow, it would really drive him insane. half-five. at millie's. give me that look again. the one you gave me in the metro. darling, you shouldn't have. they're jealous. i wonder. now's the time you're meant to do something, isn't it? make a pass or something. isn't that the way it goes? you got a special friend, jimmy? you want one? jesus. the things a girl has to put up with. i'm frightened, jimmy. that's not like him. piss off, dave! i'm not on my own, am i? come on up, would you? won't hurt you to come in. would you like a drink? what'll it be? jesus fucking christ. hey, stirling fucking moss -- sure, dave -- take your clothes. fuck off back to essex! take your fucking goldfish, too! sorry. how'd he drive with his neck in a brace? doesn't know the meaning of the word. tried to. sit down, will you? he was different. as different as it's possible to be. no. yes. no -- you want to know how i kissed him? are you jealous of him? that's good. can't think. he's dead. in ireland. he was a soldier. went there like a fool. what do you think? you say that like a gentleman. like you're concerned. but you can t stay, you know that? a real gentleman. i am. fuck off, dave. yeah. i heard. you hear, jimmy? is this an obsession of yours? he did sometimes. so what do you want with me, jimmy? what does that mean? you mean that? why? you're not having me on, are you? 'cause dil can't stand that. and she does get very upset. one for him, too. drink. i'm superstitious. drink. can't leave me now. the thing is, can you go the distance? no, depends on nothing. in one. what you thinking of, hon? why? told you, i'm superstitious. all the time. even now. he looks after me. he's a gentleman too. give me one minute. you did know, didn't you? oh my god. don't go, jimmy -- i'm sorry. i thought you knew. what were you doing in the bar if you didn't know -- i'm bleeding. it's all right, jimmy. i can take it. just not on the face. y'see, i'm not a young thing any longer. funny the way things go. don't you find that, jimmy? never the way you expected. you mean that? don't go like that. say something. jesus. he's back, col don't want any of those looks, col. they don't mean much. no. tell him to go fuck himself. tell him to stop messing dil around -- tell him it hurt -- where? tell him again, col. go fuck himself -- darling -- never let the sun go down on an argument, jody used to say. got your note. so let's kiss and make up, hon. sorry, darling. apologies, my sweet. that's more like it, dear. have a cuppa. never said a truer word. see, i was always best looking after someone. must be something in the genes. and the fact that you didn't know is basically the fault of yours truly. and even when you were throwing up, i could tell you cared. do you care, jimmy? you mean that? i'm tired and emotional. he didn't answer, honey -- my, oh my, jimmy, how gallant. made me feel all funny inside. ask me to meet you again, jimmy. nothing's wise. i know that. that's a start. make it up to me, then. ask to meet me again. when? know what, honey? can't help it, jimmy. a girl has her feelings. details, baby, details. all right, they do. sorry. probably. you can always pretend. absolutely. are you pretending yet? stop it, jimmy. a little. please, jimmy. i miss you, jimmy. don't be cruel. only if you kiss me. delirious. carnations. he'd bring me carnations. not at all, honey. okay. why, honey -- you gonna tell me why? what's wrong, jimmy? tell me what's wrong you gonna tell me what it is? you know her, jimmy? you following me? ever so nice. aren't you, jimmy? absolutely. the younger the better. doesn't come your way much, i suppose. well, maybe you'll get lucky. someday. a girl has to have a bit of glamour. it's her, isn't it? she's the thing you had to tell me. i'm sorry, you know that? i'm really sorry. you see that, col? fuck it, is what i say. fucking men, col -- and fuck you, jimmy -- was jealous, jimmy. why shouldn't i be jealous? don't. my makeup. she own you, jimmy? she from scotland too? and you're not going to tell me more? what you doing, jimmy? do you like me even a little bit? anything. afraid so. you want another haircut, baby? anything. no way -- a girl has to draw the line somewhere -- why? you'd like me better that way, jimmy? and you wouldn't leave me? you promise? go on, then. you're no good at this, jimmy. you want to make me look like him. don't recognize myself, jimmy. so it's true, then? you like me better like this. oh, jimmy -- baby. what are you doing, honey. sorry. what you doing? why? for you. why are we going here, jimmy? i'm going home! thought you was fooling me. thought you was leaving me. stayed all day in that room thinking every noise was you. there's something you're not telling me, jimmy. no! i'm going home. so tell me. no! tell me everything, jimmy. you mean that? sorry. i get nervous. i got this blood condition. just help me inside, jimmy, then i'll be all right. my pills. prescription. for my condition. my condition. ennui. only in times of extreme stress. see, they all say good-bye sometime. 'cept for him. i will be. go on, then. jimmy? don't go like that. can't help what i am. knew you had a heart. you knew which man? you knew my jody? you knew my jody? yes. died. you killed my jody? it was you. you killed my jody you didn't. you tried. bang. don't leave me tonight. might kill me, too. so tell me what you're doing, jimmy. didn't really listen last night. i heard but i didn't listen. that won't do you no good. dil knows how to tie a body. wondered why you came on to me like that when you gave me the look. see, i fix on anyone that's nice to me. just the littlest bit nice and i'm yours. just don't kick dil and she'll be touched. be nice to her and she'll be yours forever. see, i should blow you away, jimmy. but i can't do that. yet. why? try and go, then. let them come then. just want your company for a little while longer. never did. you like me now, jimmy? give me a bit more, baby, a bit more. more endearments. love me. tell me you love me. then say it. you do? what would you do for me? say it again. and you'll never leave me? i know you're lying, jimmy, but it's nice to hear it. you didn't knock, honey -- what was that she called you, jimmy? what's fergus? what happened to jimmy? what's she going to do, jimmy? she going to blow you away? was she there too? when you got my jody? i asked you a question, honey -- were you there too -- you was there, wasn't you? you used those tits and that ass to get him, didn't you? she was there, wasn't she? and she used her tits and that cute little ass to get him, didn't she? tell me what she wore. can't do it, jimmy. he won't let me. you won't let me, jody -- do i? am i in trouble, jimmy? will i see you again? promise? where am i to go, jimmy? meet col -- got you the multivitamins and the iron tablets, hon -- sorry, love. now, the white ones are magnesium supplement -- i've got to keep you healthy, jimmy. i'm counting the days. two thousand three hundred and thirty-four left. i'm sorry, darling. i keep forgetting the leap year. what am i supposed to call you then, jimmy? fergus. fergus my love, light of my life - can't help it. you're doing time for me. no greater love, as the man says. wish you'd tell me why. what's that supposed to mean?