so what's your name, soldier? yeah. give him a cup of tea. see does he want some. hey -- what's he like? did you give him it? have a look at him. poke him or something. see if he's still alive. hasn't moved for twelve hours. go on. have a heart. you all right? you don't know that. tough work, that. which one? eat something, would you? what do you mean you can't? how is it a farce? so, what do i look like? am i? my pleasure. how did you know it was her? can't we take it off? you look after him. request permission to take the hood off, tommy. the poor whore's suffocating in the heat. and anyway, he's seen our faces. he described me down to a t. knows what jude looks like. tommy -- thanks. leave us, judie. no fucking way. what's that? no? you trying to hurt my feelings? well, i could say the same about you. but i won't. we're more polite around these parts. what is it now? do what? what makes you think that? they won't let him die. i'm not a gambling man. why can't we? what do you know about my nature? what the fuck do you know about my people? shut the fuck up, would you? no, what's the funny thing? didn't look like that to me. no. what? she'd be anyone's type. why not? no? she your wife? you make a nice couple. so what were you fucking around for, then? she's a friend of mine what? what the fuck were you doing here? you could have said no. why did you sign up? shouldn't take it personally. and you play cricket?. ever see hurling? best game in the world. the fastest. how different? i'll bear that in mind. and by the way, it's not paddy. it's fergus. my pleasure, jody take it easy, now. just go slow. down by that tree. can't. hurry up, would you? give us a break. shut up, would you? yeah? the pleasure was all mine. it's nothing. he's just got a sense of humor, that's all. did he talk? didn't make you laugh? here. have some breakfast. i told him. back in a minute, jody yes. why? so what's that supposed to mean? why? don't be so sure. doesn't matter where. having a pint in the rock. like what? having two pints in the rock. who's dil? oh, yeah. the best. do you? we don't look on it like that. depends on what you believe in. that you guys shouldn't be here. yes. he's hot. is it bad? i didn't. she can't help it. you liked her? don't know her. what? don't think that way. i don't know her. i told you not to talk that way -- stop it -- i'm a volunteer, am n't i? peter. request permission to guard the prisoner tonight -- would make me feel better about it. i'm sure. don't. how can i? go to sleep now. what? like the one about the frog? when i was a child. i thought as a child. but when i became a man i put away childish things. nothing. me? no, i'm not good for much. stand up, now -- leave him be -- no. why? stop that talk now -- the fastest. cricket's in the halfpenny place. you won't run. jody!!! you stupid bastard -- i said you bastard -- stop -- hurling -- hurling -- you're back in the pink, tommy? how're you keeping? that's wise, tommy. need to go across the water. need to lose myself awhile. just a bit of a trim. in a way. guy i work with. doesn't the water get to your nails? nothing. no. no. how'd you guess? and what's it like? who's she? a bottle of guinness. tell her i'm very happy with it. yeah. jimmy. hiya, dil it's not pat. it's jim. is that good or bad? thanks. she's what? not me. must be. so who's he? then why doesn't she? hi. you forgot your bag. what was that? what'll i do? you all right? what was that all about? perform? you on the game? he's getting up. no, i didn't -- where? what look? what's that about? why? like what? must be. how special? jesus christ! that dave? tough guy, huh? are you going to be all right on your own? yes, please. whiskey. someone out there. must be in love to manage that. he lived here with you? what about him? how different? tell me about him. shouldn't i go? did you do that to him? yes. maybe. what would he think? do you miss him? i think you do. do i? didn't think i could. shouldn't you be in mourning? i was only going to ask her for a dance. shall we? did he come here too? maybe. did he dance with you? want to look after you. something i heard someone say once. yeah. if i told you, you wouldn't believe me. no. what is this? aha. depends what it is. i'm thinking of your man. i'm wondering why you keep his things. did he ever tell you you were beautiful? no. would he have minded? jesus. i feel sick -- i'm sorry. i'm sorry. dil -- i have to talk to her, col -- come on, dil -- sorry. do you mean that? she's not a tart. she's not that either. what you doing here? don't call me that. give it over, dil -- you're something else, dil, you know that? must be. you could? sure i do. yeah. i care, dil. you crying, dil? what? if i was her i'd consider that an insult. did you ever pick your teeth up with broken fingers? it's a simple question. come on, dear. shut up. i said stop it. you think that's wise? i didn't mean to hit you. kind of liked you as a girl. so i'm sorry. how? will you meet me again? whenever. tonight. do they know? know what i didn't know. and don't call me that. thing is, dil, you're not a girl. so they do know. don't. i should have known, shouldn't i? kind of wish i didn't. that's true. your soldier knew, didn't he? won't be quite the same though, will it? i'm working on it. there's dave. he knew too. am i becoming repetitious? sorry. don't ask me in. no. can't pretend that much. should have stayed a girl. okay. be a good girl and go inside. happy now? leave me alone, jude. i heard. i know. suits you. he ran. i couldn't shoot him in the back. i tried to catch him. he made it to the road and got hit by a saracen. yes. no, what is the thing? what do you mean? no way, jude. i'm out. leave her out of this. what the fuck do you know, jude? she's nobody. she likes me. what? so i got it wrong, then. don't. come on. come on. no. not here. dil, this is jude. what's her? kind of. how? she's not a girl, col -- so it was you all the time. i thought it was dave. he's at home. i know that. i understand. absolutely. definitely unusual. just a girl. aye, i do, peter. a hotel? who is he? thank god for that. hope not. whoever hits him'll be hit, if those men are any good. and i presume you can't get in. so it's on the street. kind of suicide, isn't it? but, then, i don't have a choice. of course. i forgot. and then you'll leave her out of it? and what if i say no? was i? and what happens then? and what if you don't? you may be right. jude? who's the old geezer? why'd you follow me, dil? shouldn't be, dil yes. you could say that. i can't. i'm not sure. more than that. come on, let's go for a walk. you do something for me, dil? you'd do anything for me? you got the keys to the shop? no. sit down. you'd do anything for me? you said anything, dil want to change you to a man, dil. it's a secret. yes. no. i promise. i'm sorry. no. want to make you into something new. that nobody recognizes. no. better in the dark. what? yes. no. no. dil. get up. don't call me that -- try this on, dil for me. look on it like a honeymoon. i take pride in my work. dil? dil! dil! what the fuck are you doing here? told you to stay in the hotel! i had to go to work! come on. i was trying to get out of something. you got to forget you ever saw me, dil. yes. stop it, would you? give it over, dil, for fuck's sake -- you heard what i said, dil? what pills? what condition? are you supposed to take that many? are you all right, dil? good-bye, dil what? dil can i tell you something? i knew your man. your soldier. lifted him from a carnival in belfast. held him hostage for three days. are you listening? i got the order to shoot him. before i could do it he ran. ran into a tank and died. did you hear me? in a manner of speaking. you should scream. you should beat my head off. no. i suppose i tried. don't you want to kill me? okay. what the fuck -- he asked me to see were you all right. stop it, dil -- let me go, dil got to be somewhere. let me go for fuck's sake, dil -- or they'll be here you don't know what you're doing, dil -- i like you, dil -- more what? i like you, dil yes. whatever you say, dil. love you, dil. yeah. anything. i'd do anything for you, dil. never. i'm sorry, dil. dil! fergus. it's my name, dil -- dil!!! she was -- yes. can't remember. you've got to go now, dil -- yes. now. not if you go. you will, dil i promise. the metro. yes. say hello to col -- you should have stayed at home. don't call me that -- stop it, dil -- thirty-five. fergus. please, dil -- as the man said, it's in my nature. Well, there was this scorpion, you see. And he wants to go across the river. But he can't swim. So he goes to this frog, who can swim, and he says to him, "Excuse me, Mr. Froggy"