dusty tomato plants and vines everywhere. broken glass. the sun pouring through. fergus leads jody over to a wrought iron chair and sits him in it. he sits opposite, gun on his lap. fergus takes some sandwiches out of a brown paper bag. he holds one out toward him. it is sweltering now in the greenhouse. close on jody's cowled head. the hood is drenched with sweat. jude, drinking tea, looking at jody sweating. fergus enters. he puts his arm casually around her. fergus enters, with a tray and some breakfast. maguire is sitting where he sat before, stock-still. jody sitting with the hood on again. fergus enters. tinker sitting in the greenhouse. a helicopter screams into view through the panes and automatic fire comes from it, shattering every pane in seconds and tearing tinker to bits.