and that's cricket, hon. you want it? doesn't matter if you don't. jody won't be offended. jody's never offended. what'd you say your name was? jude. suits you, jude. no, fuck the bear. the name. jude. and it's june. jude in june. gotta piss, jude. don't run off, jude. what if i did? never pissed holding a girl's hand, jude. and you know what? it's nice. who gives a fuck. i never know nothing. whatever you say, jude. what the fuck -- fuck you. you fucking bitch -- you fucking whore -- can't. can't eat through a canvas bag. this is a farce, man. i seen your fucking face. you're the one about five ten with the killer smile and the baby face. yeah. and the brown eyes. you're the handsome one. thank you, handsome. i can't fucking breathe, man. be a christian, will you? tell him to take the hood off, honey. i can smell her perfume. thought you liked me, bitch. nice lady. please, man, i'm suffocating in here. don't leave me with her, man. she's dangerous. thank you, soldier. never thought fresh air would taste this good. now, if you took the ropes off, i'd be able to feed myself. only joking. you know, i was wrong about one thing. five ten. brown eyes. but you're no pinup. nope. not handsome at all. no. it's the truth. could you? so i've noticed. hey -- you're going to have to do it, aren't you? kill me. they're going to let that guy die. and you're going to kill me. you want to bet? and even if he doesn't die -- you can't just let me loose. not in your nature. i'm talking about your people, not you. only that you're all tough undeluded motherfuckers. and that it's not in your nature to let me go. and you know the funny thing? i didn't even fancy her. she's not my type. c'mere. ah, c'mere. i want to show you something. my inside pocket. take out the wallet. open it. inside. there's a picture. no, not that one. there's another. now she's my type. don't you think of it, fucker. she's mine. anyway, she wouldn't suit you. absolutely not. suppose you could say that. don't i know it. you fuckers set me up. that bitch -- okay. that nice lady. meets me in a bar. i'm saying what the fuck am i doing here anyway. she buys me a drink. she holds my hand. i'm looking at her saying i don't like you, bitch. but what the fuck. maybe i'll get to understand. what the fuck am i doing here. i got sent. can't. once i signed up. it was a job. so i get sent to the only place in the world they call you nigger to your face. "go back to your banana tree, nigger." no use telling them i came from tottenham. best game in the world. that game where a bunch of paddies whack sticks at each other? never. well, in antigua cricket's the black man's game. the kids play it from the age of two. my daddy had me throwing googlies from the age of five. then we moved to tottenham and it was something different. toffs' game there. but not at home. . so when you come to shoot me, paddy, remember, you're getting rid of a shit- hot bowler. nice to meet you, fergus. tree. you've got to loosen my hands. well then, you're going to have to take my dick out for me, aren t you? come on, man, i'm going to wet my pants! take the fucker out, man, i'm dying -- i gotta lean forward or i'll dribble all over myself. will you hold my hands for me. now, that was worth waiting for. these things take time, fergus. it's amazing how these small details take on such importance. now put it back in. i can't do it! it's only a piece of meat. for fuck's sake, it's got no major diseases. thank you. i had a case of the clap two years ago. crabs in ulster. but all in all it's served me well. i'm sorry. didn't mean to offend you, fergus. fergus? thanks. i know that wasn't easy for you. yeah. get some sleep. good morning, fergus? they giving you trouble, fergus? it happens. y'see, there's two kinds of people. those who give and those who take. ah, take the thing off, man. it's okay. i understand. don't mind if i prattle on, do you? i will take it by your silence that you don't. two types, fergus. the scorpion and the frog. ever heard of them? scorpion wants to cross a river, but he can't swim. goes to the frog, who can, and asks for a ride. frog says, "if i give you a ride on my back, you'll go and sting me." scorpion replies, "it would not be in my interest to sting you since as i'll be on your back we both would drown." frog thinks about this logic for a while and accepts the deal. takes the scorpion on his back. braves the waters. halfway over feels a burning spear in his side and realizes the scorpion has stung him after all. and as they both sink beneath the waves the frog cries out, "why did you sting me, mr. scorpion, for now we both will drown?" scorpion replies, "i can't help it, it's in my nature." means what it says. the scorpion does what is in his nature. take off the hood, man. 'cause you're kind. it's in your nature. see? i was right about you. jody's always right. where would you most like to be now, man? come on, man. if this shit was all over. you lack imagination, fergus. think of something more alluring. like having a pint in the metro -- having a pint in the metro, and dil's having a margarita. my special friend. we got simple tastes, you and me. but you fellas never get a break, do you? oh, yes. we do a tour of duty and we're finished. but you guys are never finished, are you? i've often wondered how you do it. what do you believe in? it's as simple as that? have you no feelings, woman? he's a good soldier, jude. he believes in the future -- no. not bad. women are trouble, you know that, fergus? some kinds of women are. dil wasn't trouble. no trouble at all. present tense, please. love her. whatever she is. i'm thinking of her now, fergus. will you think of her too? want you to do something, fergus. if they kill me -- but they will. as sure as night follows day. they have to. i want you to find her out. tell her i was thinking of her. see if she's all right. take her picture. c'mere. take it. in the inside pocket. take the whole lot. i won't need it. go to millie's hair salon in spitalfields. take her to the metro for a margarita. don't have to tell her who you are. just tell her jody was thinking -- i'm sorry. help me. i don't know. just help me. give me a cigarette. don't even smoke, you know that? it just seemed the right thing to do. i don't want to sleep. tell me something. a story. and the scorpion. no. tell me anything. yeah? what does that mean? tell me something, anything. not a lot of use, are you, fergus? take the hood off, fergus -- i want to see a bit. please, please. don't make me die like an animal. i'm glad you're doing it, do you know that, fergus? cause you're my friend. and i want you to go to the metro -- hurling's a fast game, isn't it, fergus? faster than cricket? so if i ran now, there's no way i'd beat you, is there? but if i did. you wouldn't shoot a brother in the back -- what you say, faster? got to catch me first -- used to run the mile, you know -- four times round the cricket pitch -- what was that game called? what? come on, fergie -- you can do it -- a bit more wind -- bit of fun, fergus, eh? told you i was fast -- don't do it.