the situation is simple. you're being held hostage by the irish republican army. they've got one of our senior members under interrogation in castleraigh. we've informed them that if they don't release him within three days, you'll be shot. you'll be treated as our guest until further developments. have you anything to say? do you want a cup of tea? turn the fucking thing off -- made the front page. they'll move now, the fuckers. why would you do that? so? you sure? you're his keeper. if you don't mind him seeing you, i don't mind. but you're the only one he looks at. it's your decision. what the fuck is this? you're on duty. keep your fucking mouth shut. go in and get some sleep. so he knows your name? are you all there? you'll have minimal contact with the prisoner, do you hear me? and do you know why? because tomorrow we might have to shoot him, that's why. volunteer? we need you inside. we've had word. they've used every trick in the book on him. he's starting to talk. you're going to have to do it in the morning. you ok about that? good. i was beginning to have my doubts about you for the last few days. shut up, jude. you best get some sleep tonight, fergus. what? shut the fuck up, jude. why do you want to do that for? you sure about that? okay. you're a good man, fergus. i wish to say on behalf of the irish republican army -- who'd you think it was? and who's dave when he's at home? should blow you away, you know that? i'm getting emotional. and i don't want to get fucking emotional -- you understand, hennessy? fuck you, too -- that true, fergus? you in love? and what's she like between the sheets? and who is she? and you know what'll happen if you fuck up again, don't you? good. so what do you think that is, hennessy? it's a knocking-shop. tres discreet, huh? he visits his ladies on tuesday and thursday nights and saturday mornings. his security's in the car beyond. doesn't matter who he is. he is what we would call a legitimate target. you being cynical, hennessy? good. so what do you think? right. right. where the fuck is he? christ -- that fucker's dead -- give me the shooter, jude -- give me the fucking shooter!