what, what? oh god, oh god, oh god. i. i just went to bed and then who? my mom's gonna freak. just won't be there. shouldn't we wait here? to see if anybody comes. i just wanna wake up. you're a cop? ok. they have to feed us, don't they? you can get us out? i've never done anything to deserve this! nothing, i jst go to school, hang out with my friends. there is nothing else. my parents are these people i live with them. i'm boring. because, he's right. only for reading. 149? primenumbers. i can't believe i didn't see it before. it seems like if any of these numbers of prime, then the room is trapped. ok, 645. 645, that's not prime. 372. no. 649. wait, 11 x 59, it's not prime either. so that room is safe. i'm not. the incinerator thing was prime: 083. the molecularchemical thing had 137, the acidroom had 149. i have a facility for it. brains before beauty. safe! primenumbers! primenumbers! primenumbers! primenumbers! how long have we been in here i guess i missed breakfeast. or lunch. or whatever if we get out, i'l make you dinner. these numbers aren't prime. this one is trapped too. oh, no. read them to me. he almost broke my neck. how did he survive? this is just way too bizarre. safe, obviously. since he almost fell on my head. clear! gas! i hate this! i hate this! it's like crme without coffee. well, he's right. not prime. stop! in front of you!!! i don't know what happened. it wasn't prime. but these numbers aren't prime. i guess the numbers are more complicated than i thought. no, it means they're more involved, the works for us up to now have just they're not tarot-cards. do you have any idea on how many variables i oh, gross. excellent! now it totally reeks in here! you builded this thing? a cube! why didn't you tell us? daah! have you been on glue all of your life. i felt guilty for ruining we need him. worth. so there's this outer shell. and it's a cube, like this? are there any doors? where? what are the dimensions of the outer shell? may i? 14 by 14 by 14. one cube? well, the biggest the cube then can be is. 26 rooms heigh, 26 rooms descartes. leaven, you are a genius! cartesian co-ordinates, of course, coded cartesian co-ordinates. they are bonjour, these numbers are markers, a grid-referance, like altitude and it works! ok, all i have to do now is add the numbers together. the x these co-ordinates: 14, 27, 14. well, they don't make sense. assuming the cube is 26 rooms across, there no, not outside the cube. how come the sound of the door-opening didn't set it off? well, i guess we have to backtrack and try somewhere else. we'll come back for him. how dare you say that to her? you don't know her quentin. none ouf us no you don't! is anybody besides me interested in what's on the other side of that yeah, you're gonna go. you weigh like 500 pounds it'll snap in two do you got her? is she ok? don't even talk to me. i can't think anymore. it's not a gift, it's just a brain. what are you doing? do you just wanna leave them? quentin. you dropped her. give us the boot, you pig! i don't know. you figure it out! you haven't done anything. all you do is freak out! of course. it's the only logical explanation. i'm such an idiot. give me a minute. the numbers are markers point on a map, right? and how do you map a point that keeps moving? permutations. a list of all the co-ordinates the room passes through. i don't know. i've only been looking at one point on the map, which is 27. i know where the exit is. stay away from me. you remember that room we passed through before, the one with the that co-ordinate placed the room outside the cube. right, but only in it's original position. look, the room starts off as a bridge, then it moves it's way through the in a short period of time. this thing is like a giant don't! we find it's original co-ordinates by adding the numbers, the you suck in math? ok, i need the roomnumbers around as a referencepoint. yes! that's enough. x is 17, y is 25 and z is 14. which means this room makes maybe. technically i can identify the traps. first i thought they were identified by primenumbers, but they're not. the numbers are huge. i have to calculate to numbers of factors in each set. maybe if i had a yes, i do. yes, i do! look! no one in the whole world could do it mentally! look at the number: how many factors kazan? of 567? how many factors does 30 have? and seven? i don't have any gumdrops. he's giving us the factors. by those numbers the room should be safe. don't! kazan, we gonna do some numbers, ok? we like to do numbers, right? that's right. can you tell me the factors of 656? clear. oh, jesus! 563. come on kazan. 563. clear. trapped! is he dead? clear. clear. clear. listen. he hasn't moved far. you don't have a lot of lives left. 14. 26. 14. worth get back here right now!!! come here worth, this room's next move takes it to the bridge. over here. move it. we don't have much time come on. worth. it should be. give me a minute. be patient. so guess what, this was the room we started kazan. clear!!! worth??? what are you doing. you can't quit now. it's not your fault!!! was is out there. i can live with that.