hey. hey. i'm sorry. it's alright, i'm not gonna hurt you. i thought you were. i don't know. stop! it's ok, come here. it's ok, calm down, evrything's gonna be fine. just give me a minute to figure things out. just give me a minute i said. how many people are in this thing? listen! we can't go climbing around in here. there's traps. ubitraps. i looked into a room down there and something almost cut my alright? what the hell are you doing? hey old man? wait a second! let's all just relax for a minute. does anybody remember you. leaven? what about you? oh, it ain't government. i don't know. please, we're spooked anough as it is. let's rule out aliens from now on rennes. what do you think rennes? alright, i attend to agree. there's a way in here, so there's gotta be a way out. we can avoid the it can't be that simple. leaven, we can do this. we just have to stay calm, and work together as a team. there's gotta be a lot of people looking for us on the outside. i'm a cop, alright? yeah. i'm gonna get you out of here, i promise, but you gotta be with me on this one. boot it! maybe it's the ventilationsystem? what is it, serial numbers? holloway! what? why the hell didn't the boot set it off. how come, you know so much about sensors, renz? fine, you're french. i'm asking how. rennes. sensorexpert. with the right age. i don't believe it. this guy is the wren. the wren. the bird of attica. through the coop on six major prisons. get him out! so it was electrochemical or whatever, right? and he missed it. the wren. that's great, that's fucking great. alright. it's time to reassess this place. forget about all that! you can't see the big picture from in here. so don't try. keep your head down. keep it simple. just look, look at what's in front of you. start with us. we got an escapeartist and a cop. there's gotta be a reason for that. you're a doctor holloway. that gives you a function, a reason, right? leaven. what are you? what else? why don't you tell us what your purpose is worth! whats your purpose quentin? kids. three of them. i haven't made my piece yet. i'm getting out of here no matter what. that's where my strength comes from. you people find yours wherever you got it. for christ's sake. what do you live for? don't you have a wife or a girlfriend or something? leaven, your glasses? you don't need them? well, they took off her jewelry, but they must have put these on you. if nothing is random. why are they here. leaven, what do you read in school? math? see what? wait, wait, wait. how can you make that decision based on one primenumbertrap? leaven, you beautiful brain. boot it. ok, out of the way. nine or ten hours. 5 'o clock stubble. the last thing i remember was shaving. now don't worry. i'll be home in time for dinner. you got a date. doing good. holloway. just real yourself in a bit. come on. were moving along, things are looking up. talk to me. have a conversation. what kind of doctor are you anyway? ok. we have three boys. nine, seven and five. she didn't either. she's not dead, we're just separated. ok. clear. you could try and help me out here buddy. not yet. it's stuck! holloway. is it shock or what? jesus christ! holloway! what are you talking about holloway? free clinic doctors? holloway, what's the military industrial complex? have you ever been what do you think these establishments is? it's just guys like me. their holloway! get back here. your boy's having a conniption sitting there. she can do it. is that your two bits worth, worth? well? shut up!!! somebody stop that rackets! leave the boots. and shut the fucking door! i had a feeling about that fucking guy. he knew about that trap. then your numbersystem failed, but he knew. you're the paranoid, think about it. his only function so far is to kick us when we're down. trust me on this, it's my job to read people like an x-ray. pmfh, you saw what happened! well that's handy, like if there was nothing fucking else we could do. they're like people. jesus christ! and you find this all pretty funny, don't you? what's your fucking problem worth? even holloway's holding up better than somebody has to taka responsibility around here. not all of us have a luxury of playing nihilists. it's the will to live, everybody's got it worth, even you, especially you arh, poor worth: "nobody loves me". if that's the chip on your shoulders, do it. show us you have some backbone and jump into the sushimachine. be thought so. do you think they would lay clues, if there wasn't a way out. put us out of your misery so we can get on and get out of here. yes, we are! got ya. answer the question worth. who are you? worth! you're lying. who hired you? bullshit! you knew from square one. look at him, he's up to his eyeballs whose brain? what kind of fucking explanation is that? somebody had to say yes to this thing. we have no idea, what it is. why put people in it? but it is pointless! you make me sick, worth! what for? what? in english. slower. then where are we? alright, let's go. maybe we can get the door open. i'm dealing with that holloway. i'm looking for practical solutions here. we cut the risk with the numbers and the boot. worth will go in first. relax. is there room for two in there? what about them? i guess that means we're not having dinner. it's soundactivated. boooh! lovely. must be reat to ignore it. who knows how many detours we'll have to take. i say we cross the bitch. how many boots do we have left holloway? get it off him. we know how it works, we just have to be quiet. i'm glad you're on sight worth, because you're up. and he's not coming. no way! he's unpredictable. when we get to the edge we can come back for him, but you fucking fuck! he's a trap! law of the jungle holloway. he's a danger in the pack! what did you call me? you listen to me woman. every day i mop up after your bleeding heart. the oh, i do. open it. open the fucking thing. hang on to me. can't see shit. nothing to hang on to. we have to try something. we gotta see if the door's over there. someone forget it. i'm going holloway. that's as far as you go. get up here now! she. slipped. leaven, you gotta be strong sweetheart. we gotta get down to the bottom. it'll be easier to get on to shell from sure you can. it's your gift. ok, one hour. an hour is as long as i say. we have to make it down to the bottom. there'll be quiet there and you they're traps! we are the key. i get us down there. you think us out. we fit like numbers. a man and a woman. two halves of the equation. i i'll slip you on the lock. leaven. it's time to go down. get away from her. leaven, they're fucking spy's. him, the retard. you don't want the boot. you wanna come with us worth? down the hatch. what the fuck's with him? how does he? how could? that can't be. where are we? where are we??? you were right worth. there is no outta here. get away from me. you see an edge. fuck off! what difference does it make? we're dead anyways. the rooms? permu. what? the numbers tell you all that? ok, so it's moving. how do we get out? where? i just wanna know, don't you wanna know? what are you talking about? so when does it open? and what does that mean. 567. 898. ok? and 545. did you get that? then let's go. fuck the traps, let's get to the bridge. ok, so? but you can, right? you can? you don't need a computer. figure it out! i'm not dying in a fucking ratmaze. what are you fucking kidding? you're telling me tell-a-son boy is a genius. there's only one way to find out. kazan, my man! what's the numbers boy? right here! look here! make him do it. move. come on let's go. you too worth. move your scuddy ass worth, i'm leaven. you fuckheads, you're dead! not even close, worth! when i'm finish i'll throw you in a fucking trap where is he? come here! i said come here riiight. Red, Kazan.