what are you looking at? if you must know, we have a long standing agreement never to go to bed sober. isn't that right darling? i broke the heel off of one of my shoes. i don't usually walk around in my bare feet. some honey, thank you. you must let it steep for a minute. sit. there's a proper way to make tea. you're a seaman? i don't mean to be rude. but aren't you rather old to be working on a boat? you have trouble sleeping? i never sleep. well, rarely anyway. my father, when he was in his eighties, was so sure he was going to die in his sleep. he would only take naps during the afternoon. so that death couldn't catch him. did he what? he died sitting in his favorite chair listening to his favorite program on the radio. my husband's the british trade minister. we've been here fourteen months. we were supposed to be going to peking. but it just never did work out. it never does seem to work out. have you been to the far east? where are you from? i didn't know there was another one. i've never been to america. everywhere else. but not america. am i missing anything? i can tell you what bars look like in places all over the world. thank you for the tea. i may have given you the wrong impression. you must think i don't love my husband. married women don't usually sit with strange men in a hotel in the middle of the night. i certainly don't. let's get one thing straight. i love him very much. i happen to think he is one of the smartest and most considerate men i ever met. it is not his fault i decided to spend my life in his shadow. he started to take his pants off. i'm afraid he misread me completely. do you notice how people look better through a wine glass. you're a good looking man with or without a wine glass. we are all just crossing in the night. sometimes we intersect. i should go to bed. he'll be up soon. you're delicious just as you are. don't bother with the cheese or the wine here, they're quite common. but the caviar and the vodka are plentiful and sublime. take your time. if you eat it all at once there will be nothing left to enjoy. savor it. now, a swallow of vodka. you haven't been with many women have you? i feel like i'm with a virgin. when i was nineteen, i tried to become the first woman to swim the english channel. why wouldn't i? i never did. as a matter of fact, i have never done much of anything with my life after that. your hands are very rough. you have grease under your nails. i can feel the wind on your face. i'm afraid it's the witching hour. you take my breath away. the thing about clothing is, it should make you feel comfortable, then you will be comfortable. come, let's take a walk. that's such a nice thing to say. you make me feel years younger, too. i wish i was. i would change so many things. i would undo all of my mistakes. i kept waiting, thinking i would do something to change my circumstance. do something. but i never did. it's an awful waste, you can never get it back. wasted time. if we're going to have an affair, you're never to look at me during the day, we must always part by sunrise, and we can never say "i love you" and when it is over i will send you a card that will simply say goodbye. those are the rules. my god, colder. you can't even break a bottle here. get a key. anything's possible.