i guess not. the air smells sweet. it isn't everyday a war's over, mr. weathers. we have to mark it somehow. you ain't no slouch yourself. sweeter than i shoulda been. lost his legs you say? "you never know what's comin' for you." she got to stop doing that, or it's diapers for her. i'll be right there, mrs. jameson. it sure is nice out here, mr. weathers. just a moment's time. what is that? a fish crawl out of the river? god in heaven! my goodness, the lord did something here! it's for sure nobody wanted to keep it. hold your water. go see to them. jane childress start her a bath. and mind your business, mrs. duprey. you'll be messing yourself soon enough too! i'll be right with you, mrs. hollister. you may be as ugly as an old pot. but you still a child of god. mercy, i'll be right there. they're right here, mrs. hollister, right 'round your pretty white neck. come on now. you mean to say he's dying? it's my sister's child. from lafayette. she had an unfortunate adventure. the poor child got the worse of it. came out white. you said he don't have long. he is a miracle, that's for certain. just not the kind of miracle one hopes to see. you all listen. we have a visitor that will be staying with us for a little while. my sister had a child but couldn't see right by it. he's known as. benjamin. benjamin. he's not a well child. so we need to take very good care of him. he's prematurely old. doctor rose said he don't have much time on this earth. mr. weathers. stay with me tonight. "you never know what's comin' for you." stop bangin' that fork. it's for eating, not for playin' with. and use your napkin, please mr. benjamin. benjamin! that's dangerous. come back here! everybody feels different about themselves one way or another. we're all goin' the same way, just taking different roads to get there. you're on your own road, benjamin. just be thankful you got what you're given. you already here longer than you supposed to be. we're gonna put some life into these old sticks for you. get you walkin'. he's got the devil on his back. trying to ride him into the grave before his time. let the lord carry you. . where in god's name have you been?!! like to scare the holy hell out of me! i was so worried about you. you take my breath away. i have something to tell you all. while we're giving thanks for god's blessings. i've had a miracle happen. the lord saw fit to answer my prayers. you are a different child. a man child. people aren't going to understand how different you are. god hasn't said yet. now, back to bed and behave yourself. you get back in that bed or i'll cane your old ass! welcome. we was expecting you. could you show her upstairs? she will be staying in mrs. rousseau's old room. i'll be right with you with some fresh towels. we don't usually let dogs in the house. i guess as long as he stays out from underfoot. lord have mercy. you're home. your brother, benjamin. there's a shit load of things you don't know. you look like you've been born again. you're younger than the springtime. i think that preacher laid the hands on you brought you a second life. i knew the moment i saw you -- you were special. every night i got on my knees asking the good lord to bring you back safely. remember what i told you? did you learn anything worth repeating? you seen some pain. some joy too? mr. weathers died in his sleep one night last april. he's sleeping comfortably now in the cemetery on st. james street, god rest his soul. there's only one or two of them left now. they all just about new. waitin' their turn like everybody else. i am so glad to have i you back. now we got to find you some proper work and get you married right. you're wasting your time. he's stone deaf. you'll be staying in what was mrs. deseroux's room now, you're too much of a man to stay in the attic anymore. he's what?! all those years he's creeping around here, and never tells us who he is?!! i thought he was just queer or somethin' comin' around here. always askin' for you. he left us $18 that night you was found. eighteen ratty ass dollars and a dirty diaper! now he wants to be your father? he wants you to sit at his side! he wants your forgiveness! i won't ever forgive him for any of it. god's the only one that can forgive him! now i got to get up early with mrs. hamilton. or she gonna drown. . he thinks he can just show up, and everything gonna be fine and dandy, everybody gonna be friends. he got another thing coming. don't you suffer alone for it. it's a beautiful cemetery. and buried here right next to your mother. mrs. la tourneau just passed away. how come you didn't write or nothin'? just disappearing like that? i never took you to be selfish. i hope i'm not wrong. i'm not usually wrong about people. i wanted to tell you i love you and your mama's gone.