scott? scott? i'm really glad you could make it. thank you. i want to see your boys. i'm their mother. that's not fair! i did not. i left them in the care of their loving father. there's a difference. i just want to see the boys. i'm their mother. i know things can never go back to the way they were before. rick? rick? rick? let's keep the attorneys out of this and settle things like civil adults. thank you. they'll be here. someday. someday is someday, baby. i'm sorry. i thought things had changed. i am who i am, rick. i'm not cut out to be a mommy. i had to give it a shot. rick turns to walk away. you are, and you wouldn't have it any other way. excuse me? and you are? huh? i don't know. why? what's your point? so, why are you here with slick and not with "your" kids? yeah. yeah they do. now if you'll excuse me i need to find the asparagus. i couldn't do it, ya know? i always thought i wanted to be a parent, and i was really good at being pregnant, but i sucked as a mom. i know that now. i don't have what it takes. take care of my boys. all of them.