guys like you.
 squandered opportunities. i, on the other hand, knew where i was going. i had that kind of drive, i just never had the talent.
without question.
i had priorities. i understood what it meant to have an attention span.
i was the king of focus.
the count of concentration.
i'm just saying grow up. you can't keep drifting.
when you got married?
you matured a little.
no bueller, it's a decision. one you need to make. you can't keep running without direction. if you don't know where you're going you'll never get what you want. cut to:
when cindy had kids?
they gave you purpose. but purpose, my friend, is not direction.
i'm right around the.
mine are much more productive.
well, i'm gonna.
that's what i'm going to do. responsibility calls. john turns and heads south. rick takes a bite of popcorn, looks to the sky for a moment, grins, and heads off northeast.
you want to.
in the grand scheme of things family is a liability, not an asset. rick continues on.
do you even know what you're doing or where you're going?
east leads nowhere, my friend. you should be heading south. the bar is south. east takes you places you don't want to go.
you've got direction.
do the kids have direction?
you have to instill a sense of direction at a very early age. cut to:
no, you have to mold them early. if you don't mold them they'll grow up to be democrats.
that's not the point, is it, carrie?
i can't believe you.
whining about being single. married men would kill to be in your situation!
you have your sons to raise without feminine interference. do you understand the significance of your situation? do you understand the power in your circumstance?
men, all over the world, would kill for that kind of power.
you have the kids and she pays child support.  and you sit here and whine about things being hard? give me a break.
on me.
you love her?
if you think you're in love you are.
does your heart skip a beat when she walks by?
does your heart skip a beat when she walks by?
do your palms sweat when you think about her?
does she inspire you?
and is there passion?
and have you ever told her this?
have you ever told her this?
don't you think you should?
loving your best friend confuses things? i can't think of a love more lucid. rick stands to leave.
you know i'll never forgive you for this, don't you? you had the power and the dream at your fingertips and you're giving it all away.
affairs of the heart and those of the mind are two different things.
the secret of life, melanie, is to always pay attention.
 always be prepared for what's right around the corner. the crack of the bat.