order in the court. order in the court, i say. do you know why you're here today, mr. stevens? are you being rhetorical? you stand here today an accused man. you have been placed in custody of your children. answer the question. i see no reason to extend this any further. mr. stevens you have been found competent by the state and by this court. you are completely cognizant of your surroundings, and you leave me no choice. this court finds you guilty as charged. you are hereby remanded to custody of your children for no less than a lifetime. this court is adjourned. if you can't do the time, mr. stevens, then don't do the crime. order in this court! a beat as things quiet down. your inquiry, mr. stevens? is it in the best interest of the children or in the best interest of you? then this court sees no reason to amend the original verdict. the order stands. guilty as charged.