she was no good for you. i knew it from the start. just saying. you're dad and i are here for you. are you eating? do you need anything? food? money? um. yeah. okay. i suppose that would be all right. we'd have to ask your father, but i don't see why that would be a problem. other than that everything's okay? because it doesn't have to be like this. mary ryan, a friend of mine, her son had the same thing happen to him. wife just up and left with no warning at all. he didn't waste a day. no sir, he was up and at `em almost instantly. you can leave here, you know? mary ryan's son did. what's to like? it's dingy and filthy. it's no place to raise children. you can't keep hiding forever. mary ryan's son thinks you're hiding. no, but i think you should. i hate that woman. how can a mother abandon her kids? how could she do this to my babies? i hope she's living in hell too. what happened? where is he? is he going to be okay? just go. i'll watch these two. it can be done. find a way. everything happens for a reason. god doesn't abandon his children, and neither will you. there are other things out there. less expensive ways. oh. uh. well. i don't think your father is willing to do that. we raised our kids, rick. what? my watching them while you were in there with phillip wasn't enough? make me feel guilty. take this. take the money. so, phillip what do you want to be when you grow up? and what are those? phillip takes a deep breath. rick! rick?. rick?. rick? take care of my babies. to help him through the hard times. he's a good father, just having a rough go. i'm too old for that. the better side of life has passed me by. what if they fall? i don't hear like i used to. what if one of them was seriously hurt and i didn't hear their cry? i hate that the only thing i feel competent to do is give them money. i love my son and i love my grandbabies, but how would i live with myself if something happened to those children? what do you need. but you're father. but. can't we just give him money to pay for a baby-sitter? yes, kris? i love you all the whole universe plus one.