and when school starts we have a bus service that will take the two oldest to and from school. we have story hour at eleven, lunch at noon, and nap time at twelve- thirty. rest assured our programs are designed to be nurturing, caring environments that provide the parental guidance your children need in those hours you can't be with them. so, are there any questions? you're going to like it here. they'll be just fine. that will be two hundred seventy- five dollars and thirty-six cents. we take checks too. those things you use when you don't have money. ah. you know frank? that changes everything. two hundred ninety-five dollars and thirty-six cents. frank owes me money and one way or another, i will collect. and thirty-six cents. don't worry about it. it's your first week. you didn't know, so, we'll let it ride and just add it to next week's balance. a beat as rick turns to leave. you know there is a way you could save quite a bit of money. potty train the toddler. ms. heath pulls some literature from her desk drawer. the toddler. how's the potty training coming? three hundred forty and. you're still short. may i remind you that we're not a charity? if you need credit go to a bank. i run a reputable business and i need the balance by next wednesday, or maybe you should consider other arrangements.