have a seat. your children, mr. stevens. you do realize you have children, don't you? but nothing mr. stevens, either you have children or you don't. so, you accept responsibility for bringing young life into the world? there's no guessing, mr. stevens, either you're responsible for siring offspring or you aren't. a crime of passion, mr. stevens? how convenient. and you accept the consequences of said actions? why are you here, mr. stevens? why are you here? i'll tell you why you're here. are you familiar with ms. cynthia stevens? was your wife, sir. was your wife. she recently filed for divorce. were you aware of that? well, she did. she also named you as her coconspirator in the act of having children. were you aware of that, mr. stevens? mr. stevens, you just told the court that you aware you had children. you have also admitted that ms. cynthia stevens was, in fact, your wife. then why, mr. stevens, do you continue to deny culpability in this situation? the question, mr. stevens. she picked you out of a lineup, sir. what more do you need? time is not an option, mr. stevens. time --- is not --- an option. you don't deny being married to ms. stevens, nor do you deny the act of procreation. you seem to understand that your actions bear consequence. you seem to understand that with parenthood, came responsibility. it's time to pay the piper, mr. stevens. it is the recommendation of the state that richard c. stevens been sentenced to the fullest capacity allowed by law. excuse me? she cut a deal, rick. you were the one we wanted. you were the one we got. she took the plea. sure, it costs her financially. but what is freedom worth? a clamor begins to rise from the crowd as they talk among themselves. the rap of the gavel. what is so important mr. stevens that you would burden this court with convening today? on what, mr. stevens? on what? he doesn't know. he just doesn't know. tell it to someone who cares, mr. stevens. your only condemnation is self- pity. you have people that care all around you, but you're too blind to see them. if you don't pull yourself together soon, my friend, they soon will all be gone.