i'm ready. i don't want to go. melanie hastily dresses her son. yes. mom? i'm not thirteen. it's against the law to leave me alone in a car until i'm thirteen. i want coke. no, pepsi. no, seven-up. maybe root beer. so many choices. a glance to her watch. i want sobe. i don't want coke. i want sobe. sobe sucks. i want coke. what's wrong mommy? why are you crying? did i do something wrong? tell me a story? what ya doing? i know what you could do. you could stay home with me. sixty-five cents. a week. if it keeps my mommy home with me. mommy? when are we going to have a normal life. i mean when are we going to be like other people? she pulls a flyer from the printer. cu. on flyer: baby i'm zach. you're old. how old? you're too old for my mom. my mom tells great stories. that's okay, i don't have a dad.