who the bloody hell are you? i remember you now. you had a black eye, a right bloody shiner. and never stopped fucking talking! what are you doing here? "the man's crocked", "older than time" "broken more bones than evel knievel?" well, look who it is! come to raid my larder? or just missing the place? aye, and you can have `em. a hundred and fifty thousand pound for the pair. but you're desperate now, aren't you? having lost to stoke and birmingham. all, right, since it's you. i'll knock ten grand off. one thirty. final offer. clough is about to explode, then. two wins from two. what's not to enjoy? you? demand results there, though, brian. not any more. why would i do that? why? you're not here anymore, are you? be a waste of a perfectly good desk.