fucking hell! who? i've heard he's a superstitious twat. ey! help him, someone help him! heard he wears the same suit to every game. his "lucky blue suit". c'mon, give it and go! no, it's that superstition, isn't it? every away cup ties, revie makes them walk the last hundred yards. taylor mutters under his breath, "soppy twat". referee! now sent it out wide! bloody cheats and all. neither of those goals should have been allowed. we need to get into the same division first. i know. our lot were like headless chickens out there today. you asked me to find a player with a good head. experience. i've found one! he's perfect. dave mackay. i admit he's not young. but he's clever, keeps the ball well. and passes it better than anyone alive. he's the one, brian. never been more sure of anything in my life. we haven't got until morning. hearts have already made him an offer. want him as their manager. apparently they've already agreed terms. because when i asked bill nick how done the deal was - he said ninety- nine per cent. clough's face. exactly. in the middle of the park. somewhere he can see everything, use his loaf, and tell the kids what to do. aye. he's got a tie shop, hasn't he? in london. which he spends two days a week at. it's his "nest egg". for the future. is it? then perhaps we should just shake on it today? and sign tomorrow? hey, you would never have found him if it weren't for me. dunno. it was just obvious. mcgovern in midfield, mackay at the back, o'hare up front. the skewer isn't it? in the shish kebab. arrogant twat. yours. someone like colin todd. i've heard he wants out of sunderland, too. they're all jumping ship up there. what? we can't. longson's already told us. club's in debt. hang on, hang on, careful. it's not a cup game, is it? you can't do that!! yeah. fine. 2-1!!! o'hare. a brace. oh, brian, you should have seen his first. turns bremner inside out, nutmegs madeley for good measure. it was beautiful. you'd think he'd been born in rio de janeiro, not aber-bloody-deen. you're a bloody genius. i tell you what, bri - if we can beat this lot, we can go all the way. are you going to stop it? hello? god. what time is it? i know. you're buggered. billy bremner's the heart and soul of that team. like i said. you're buggered. no, brian. it's too late. i'd have helped you once. but not now. not after what was said. we're on our own now. each man for himself. remember? what have you done now? had it three weeks ago, they reckon. well, i hope you take notice. and act accordingly. what??!? i don't want to resign. what? oh, no, brian. they'll never do that. he's chairman. you're picking the wrong enemy. the enemy's not longson. it's revie. and your obsession with leeds. no, it's not. it's you. this monster in you. this mad ambition. it comes and goes. sometimes it's good. a fire, that stirs everything up, and then there's this. this thing that takes you over. and destroys everything that is good in your life. taylor's face. but not dave mackay. it's in the evening paper. why did you do it? i love this place, brian. i'm happy here. so are you. why couldn't you just have kept your mouth shut? we'll never find anywhere like this again. manager of brighton and hove albion. someone who wants to offer us a job. c'mon, just give it a chance. and we can get them out of there. like that. we did it with hartlepools. we did it with derby. hey, they've got money, this lot. and ambition. and get a lungful of that air. it'd be good for my health. no, we won't. it's over, brian. they'll never take us back. not now. no one's rung, have they? you've scared them all off. c'mon. just listen to them? please? for me? seven grand? y'hear that, brian? very generous, mike. terrific. bloody hell. but we hate leeds. but we've given brighton our word. and they've paid us the money. please. give it a year. give it a chance. mike bamber is a good man. he had faith in us, offered us a job when no one would. yes, but even if we won them it would always be revie's achievements. his team. yes, brighton is a small club. but at least we'd be together, you and me. we could build them up. make them our own. like we did with hartlepools. like we did with derby. and that's the trouble with you. too much ambition. too much greed. too much everything. but without you i'd still have a job in derby. a job and a home that i love. yes, brian - you're the shop window, i'll grant you that. the razzle and the bloody dazzle. but i'm the goods at the back. and without me, without someone to save you from yourself, you're not just half. . you're nothing. well, let's see, shall we? they've kicked you out, already? so how long was that? impressive. "i apologize unreservedly for being a twat". "unreservedly." "because i can't do it without you." "i'm nothing without you." "please, please baby, take me back." you'll only fuck me up again, won't you? i know. but it won't stop you. Never.